904 converter weights????



Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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I have a 2500 stall converter that wuz originally behind a 360(weighted converter)...about 5 or 6 yeerz ago, I took tha 360 out, and replaced it with a 318...I knocked off tha weights(ther were 2) and put them up incase I decided to go back to a 360...Well, I am now building a 360 for a PT Kroozer project, and I want tha converter back behind tha 360....Soooooo, Now, I have NO DAMM IDEER wher I put them weights????...I have sum other external balanced converters, but they have only one weight on them(but, I'm not sure what they were behind...440's I thank!!!..,...

Doez anybody have any ideer what thoze weights were(how much they weigh??)....I sho would like to git over this lil obstikle witout spend'in nex months salary!!!....Any help appreciated!!!
buy a B&M flexplate for 360/904.....no weights needed on converter...the flexplate takes care of the exteranl balance
Thankz Cuda, Mine iz a 73...But tha way my luck iz, I will git tha only magnum FP leff in exzistance...Lol