904 slips going into Drive(3rd)



Nov 21, 2009
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I'm not up to date on transmission issues. Have a 904 with 2400 stall
convertor on 360 recently installed. When it goes into drive(3rd) it revs
up as it goes in, shifts solid from 1st to 2nd. Changed the fluid and filter
last week and it still does it. Any ideas out there???
Adjusting the band won't do anything. The front band is for 2nd gear. You are slipping the front clutch, the first place to look is the throttle pressure adjustment. Without enough throttle pressure it will slip going into 3rd. It will burn up the front clutches pretty quick too.

You didn't give much information though, is the trans fresh, older than dirt and been sitting for 20 years or what?
Guitar's dead on. The 360... it's a 4bbl? What intake and carb? What did it replace?
does it have a shift kit?, I installed a b&m kit in my 727 and it did the same..I had to remove one of the cupped orifice plugs, then it worked fine

dont know about a 904 though...just food for thought
It's an old transmission that I got a year or so with used 4bbl 360. Thought I had the
throttle linkage set up correctly but will check when it gets a bit warmer out. So I
guess the red pieces I saw in the bottom of the pan was pieces of clutch. Didn't have
much in there but was that and some small metal pieces. It does shift hard when going
into second so don't know if it has a shift kit in it or not. Besides the slip sometimes when it goes into 3rd, it works fine. Think I only paid $50 for the tranny so guess I should be lucky it works at all. Looks like I'll be looking for another 904 down the line...
Buy an overhaul kit with clutches and steels and go through it. They are easy to build just take your time, examine everything and clean well. Take your time you don't need to be a rocket surgeon to rebuild one.
Guitar's right. Their easy (and cheap) to rebuild and then you know it's new and will last. If you buy another 35 yr. old used trans. it may be as bad (or worse) than what you have now. Considering the work involved in R&R'ing a trans. I won't ever install a used one of questionable condition.
So it looks like I'll be rebuilding a 904 this spring - saw some rebuild kits out on EBay for
$80 or so -- looks like prices vary quite a bit. I "Assume" any 904 rebuild kit will work??
This web site's the greatest, always get good info!!!
Watch out about E-pay kits. They can be pretty sketchy and not include all you need. The Trans star kit Tony posted is a real good one.
Don't skimp on internal parts...
That Transtar kit mentioned is a good one, and I'm partial to the Gil Younger/TransGo shift kits