A Few Man Jokes



70 Dart
Jul 24, 2010
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The human body has 7 trillion nerves. My wife manages to get on every one of them.
I fitted strobe lights in the bedroom. They're brilliant. It makes my wife look like she’s actually moving during sex.
I went to the doctor’s office the other day and found out that my new doctor is a young female and drop dead gorgeous.
I was embarrassed, but she said, “Don't worry, I am a professional - I've seen it all before. Just tell me what’s wrong and I'll check it out.
I said, “My wife thinks that my dick tastes funny.”
I was pretty excited when my new girlfriend sent me a text message claiming that she loves anal. Dyslexic *****, it turns out that she loves Alan, my best friend.
A guy is watching a film with creepy organ music on the TV and suddenly yells, “Don't enter that church, you damn fool!!!”
His wife asks him, “What are you watching?”
The husband replies, “Our bloody wedding video”.
Life is like a *****, soft and hanging freely. It’s women that make it hard.
I said to my wife, “Get me a newspaper”
“Don't be silly,” she said “You can borrow my iPad”
That spider never knew what the hell hit it.
I bought a new perfume for my wife called Chloroform but she says she doesn't like it. She says that it makes her sleepy and her *** sore.
Boy you ain't gonna make friends with many of the girls around HERE, LOL
oh those r good,people here at pilot trk stop think im nuts laughing at my computer
The ''new doctor'' one is the funniest!
They're all good though......
I saw this in a junkyard (salvage yard) in Cumberland,R.I.It was a cartoon posted on the wall of the office...Two shepherds each have one of their favorite sheep from behind,going at them hot and heavy.One of the shepherds looks over at the other shepherd,and with total disdain and disgust,says"Have you heard about our counterparts in the next village over?Those sick bastards!!!They have been going down on their flock.