A Male Fairy Tale


Mark Wainwright

FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jan 4, 2017
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Ontario Canada
Once upon a time, A Prince asked a beautiful Princess, "Will you marry me?"

The Princess immediately said, "No!"

And the Prince lived happily ever after,


rode motorcycles


dated thin, long-legged, full-breasted women,


hunted and fished


raced cars, and went to titty bars


dated ladies half his age


drank whisky, beer, and Captain Morgan,


never heard any bitching


never paid child support or alimony,


dated cheerleaders


kept his house and guns,


ate spam, potato chips and beans,


blew enormous farts,


never got cheated on while he was at work,


he had lots of dogs


all his friends and family thought he was cool as hell,


he had tons of money in the bank,


left the toilet seat up.

The End
That lonely old SOB lives right behind me. He wont keep his pack of muts in his own yard either. His story is a little different. The princess did marry him but it didn't last. She spent too much time home alone. Who will mourn for him at, The End?
That lonely old SOB lives right behind me. He wont keep his pack of muts in his own yard either. His story is a little different. The princess did marry him but it didn't last. She spent too much time home alone. Who will mourn for him at, The End?
Who'll decide what nursing home he goes into also
That lonely old SOB lives right behind me. He wont keep his pack of muts in his own yard either. His story is a little different. The princess did marry him but it didn't last. She spent too much time home alone. Who will mourn for him at, The End?
No one and does that matter your dead grave markers are for the living
That lonely old SOB lives right behind me. He wont keep his pack of muts in his own yard either. His story is a little different. The princess did marry him but it didn't last. She spent too much time home alone. Who will mourn for him at, The End?

I knew a dude like that once. Had an awesome wife. Treated her like total ****. In the end, he poured gas on her in the front yard and almost lit her off. Thank God she finally divorced him. I met her, married her and we will have been married 27 years come this December. Not the end.
Nah... I'm good, thanks ! Mine said yes 39 years ago...
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I always joke with my wife saying "I'm happily married". She's happy and I'm married. We have a fantastic relationship and have all our lives. Went together for 10 years before getting married. You sure know when you've got the right one but you also have to work at it. Do we argue? Of course it's only natural but we never let the sun go down on an argument and I think that is the secret and don't let it fester.
You got that right, Mark. Be nice to your kids. They will choose your nursing home.

treat an real nice and they wont choose a nursing home for you but bring you in their house and take care of you, just like you did for them when they first came around
No not happening I refuse to burden their lives with the care of an old fart. Can’t say what will happen but I can a sure you that will never happen
No not happening I refuse to burden their lives with the care of an old fart. Can’t say what will happen but I can a sure you that will never happen
Was it ever a burden for you to change your kids diapers?
Put em to bed, bandage up thier scraped knees?

I'm thinking its the same thing when you get old

Now, I have very little experience with nursing homes but my wide worked in one for 7 or 8 years and decided we're not putting here parents in one (and this was before the scamdemic and they basically turned into solitary confinement lockdown units, which our governess though would be a great place to house people infected with a virus designed to kill the elderly)

Her dad died 7 years ago in his own home
We moved her mom in with us a few years later

Not too long after that she got diagnosed with alzheimers and as that disease progresses it changed the dynamic of our home

But you know what?

That woman gave birth to my wife, so we deal with it

If we ever feel like she would be better of in the care of someone who doesn't love her and is just gathering a paycheck, well reconsider

But for now, with the help of palliative care, and hospice I am convinced this is the best place for her
Was it ever a burden for you to change your kids diapers?
Put em to bed, bandage up thier scraped knees?

I'm thinking its the same thing when you get old

Now, I have very little experience with nursing homes but my wide worked in one for 7 or 8 years and decided we're not putting here parents in one (and this was before the scamdemic and they basically turned into solitary confinement lockdown units, which our governess though would be a great place to house people infected with a virus designed to kill the elderly)

Her dad died 7 years ago in his own home
We moved her mom in with us a few years later

Not too long after that she got diagnosed with alzheimers and as that disease progresses it changed the dynamic of our home

But you know what?

That woman gave birth to my wife, so we deal with it

If we ever feel like she would be better of in the care of someone who doesn't love her and is just gathering a paycheck, well reconsider

But for now, with the help of palliative care, and hospice I am convinced this is the best place for her
I’m glad that you’ve found a solution that works for you and yours. I’ve been in my kids life starting in the delivery room most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. As a parent I really enjoyed taking care of my kids. Just don’t think I want to tie them down with that responsibility. We talked about it with my wife’s dad and my mother before she passed. It was just flat out NO from both of them. I now understand why. My opinion
I’m glad that you’ve found a solution that works for you and yours. I’ve been in my kids life starting in the delivery room most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. As a parent I really enjoyed taking care of my kids. Just don’t think I want to tie them down with that responsibility. We talked about it with my wife’s dad and my mother before she passed. It was just flat out NO from both of them. I now understand why. My opinion

in the end, it is a family affair
what ever works for you family is good

i understand we have a rather unique family structure (and without getting religious, i do believe God had a hand in that) and so i understand things work for us, that may not work out in other families

on the other hand, my parents will be going into a nursing home, if the situation presents itself...unless something drastically changes with my sister

i simply live too far from my parents to take care of them, and uprooting my family to do so isnt an option

i gotta wonder though (for sake of argument) how much of this is cultural
your position sounds very American to me

my wife is Hispanic and they handle these things differently
but like i said, its a family affair
Before I got religion
I told my wife that when I got older, I was gonna cement a sword in the backyard pointy end up. Then when the time came, I was just gonna go out and lean on it until the pointy end came out the backside.
But then I thought to myself, a plastic bag and some zip-ties would be a lot less messy.
Of course that all changed in 93 when God got me! The thing is that before that day, I only had how my ancestors went, to go on. But afterwards, I figured out that it didn't have to be that way. So now, at 68, I am already older than many/most of them got to be, and while they had already been suffering, some for years, when the passed, I am still healthy and last week I chucked nearly 6000 pounds of garbage. So, there is a strong possibility that I'm gonna make it to the finish line and then just keel over when the spirit finally abandons me.
That's if the World lasts another 12 years, which I doubt.................
But as for the Prince in post #1;
IMO he's an idiot; the same kind of idiot I once was; placing far to much importance on the most worthless things in life.
Not into it myself but everyone has a choice as long as it's kept to yourself and not pushed onto other people. Enough said.
That's one way, mine was to marry my girl 54 years ago and make a nice life with her supporting my car habit
and me supporting her endeavors as well. Right now I am on the hunt for take-off bumper cores for rechroming
for my latest build and she helps me remember my parts orders ordered and needed to order.
I won the wife lotto--------------------------:)