A New 6pakattack!



Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2005
Reaction score
Just wanted to sya hey everyone,newbe to the site.Gonna probably be asking a lot of stupid questions pertaing to how to post chitt,but I look forward to checking out the happenings on here!
The only stupid question is the one you don't ask. And remember, no matter how green you are, there is always someone greener.

Welcome aboard!@ -LY
Welcome to thee site

welcome to the community! you will like it here. :)
Ahhhhh,now the questions begin!!I managed to get my avatar set up,but didn't have any luck getting pics into my post,any suggestions?Keep it simple,me and computers don't see eye to eye!!!!! ](*,)
You need to find a free image hosting place like http://imageshack.us/ then just put a link to your pics at the bottom of your posting and the pics will magically appear !. It took me awhile to figure it out too. But now it's easy as beatin a chevy. It's great, you can uploads tons of pics and link them to all of the forums you belong to. I post em here and on www.bigblockdart.com .You'll figure it out.
Strike one,could not find server for image shack!Here I go again!!I knew there was a reason I don't like friggin computers!!!
great looking dart! welcome . is it a 6pk?

Unfortunately,the avatar pic is one of my Slant Sixes I sold before moving over here to Melbourne !And second,the computer with all my new Dart pics decided to take a dump on me,so I'm starting from scratch yet again !!
Unfortunately,the avatar pic is one of my Slant Sixes I sold before moving over here to Melbourne !And second,the computer with all my new Dart pics decided to take a dump on me,so I'm starting from scratch yet again !!

Click on where is says POST REPLY after the last post on the page.

Then scrol down that page to the box that says ADDITIONAL OPTIONS. and click on where is says MANAGE ATTACHMENTS. From there you can up load pics from your computer.

Welcome to the site. Cant wait to see them pics!
Welcome, great bunch of guys here .... and gals, What cars do you hav?
Well, I guess I'm 5 years late, but welcome 6pak from another 6pk LOL :toothy10:
Thanks,I've taken the 10 about as far as I want,so now it's time to play with the "6" !!! Too many decisions on what direction to go with it !!