Absolute GENIUS marketing



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
Reaction score
Talk about taking advantage of free enterprise. I just love America. LOL

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzdv4FUHqP8"]Burglars Just Want Tacos - YouTube[/ame]
Brilliant!!No need to hire outside marketing. Lawrence
"going to get mom's taco"... #-o

That sounds so wrong.... :wack:
yea, I love those tacos too!

BUT,,,,,, watching this makes me think:!

1. don't get into trouble and try to take away the cops gun. he will get pissed and maybe shoot you.

2. don't walk down the street with a knife in hand threating the general population. don't be surprised no one had a taser handly and shoots your a--????

3. so member of youir group gets into serious trouble and gets shot, maybe not take it out on the innocent members of your hood and destoy it and steal their ch--?

4. maybe stay away from drugs so ya can make some intelligent decisions?

NOw back to the ad..... wow wish I had the makings for tacos!!!!!
Just wait for a crooked lawyer to see this and he will sue for the criminals not being able to get a fair trial.
Not so free holies! I know where they can get free meals for the next 5-15 years.