Acorns and walking

The Game & Fish are saying this is the year of the acorns , tells me we will have a wet/snow/cold winter possibly...

What Fish & Game said is the same as I was going to reply to this thread.
When I was growing up here in SoCal my parents had a weekend/vacation place in our local mountains and I learned that lots of pine cones on the trees in the spring/summer was a very accurate forecast of a heavy snow forecast for the following winter.
Mother Nature provides food for her critters. It's up to them to take advantage of the harvest.
There's a 100 year old oak in the neighbors back yard and I have a scurry of squirrels. In the fall my yard looks like a meteor shower hit it. Like a dummy, I put out ears if corn. They are fat and healthy. If I ever run low on food..........View attachment 1715111316
Those old trees are beautiful and have lived longer than most people!! But as far as fat squirrels are concerned"

EU taucking to me!!!!!!!!!!

