Advice on Car Covers



Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2008
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Looking for recommendations on car covers for my Dart. What have you all used that are of good quality and won't brake the bank! I know you get what you pay for but there are allot of covers out there that aren't worth the buck$ they want. Your advice and recommendatios would be most appreciated! Thanks in advance! Bill
I bought a California Car Cover one for my Comet. I have been very
happy with it. They have several different types and I bought an indooor one
as my car is stored inside but they have outside wheatherproof ones as well.
Fairly priced.
I'll second that. I've had several California Car Cover products over the years on different cars and they've held up very well.
California Car Covers are ok, not cheap but they are well made. I use an indoor one. Spend as much as you can afford because I've seen the really cheap ones and they are worthless.
another one for CC. My grandpa bought an in door one for his '34 and has been very pleased with it.