Ah C'mon guys! Moderators...



no title
Jun 24, 2007
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Yet another thread that kept me interested in following has got deleted/locked-out.
The latest "Did anyone else get....?".
Although totally not car related, or not related to anything really or maybe a lot of everything.
I somehow found pleasure in reading some of the responses and what not.

Could we not make room for a new forum call it "The Ring", make it accessible to Gold Members only, so that the young guns don't get to see it.
Let the keyboard fights begin, let the fellows blow some steam, they will feel better afterward. Or something like the political forum.

Just an Idea, so you fellows don't need to monitor it as much.
If they do I better buy more pop corn...
That would cause far more problems for this website than you might suspect. The political Section is already "The Ring". If people would play by the rules no one would get hurt, and you would have all of the amusing posts your heart desires.
It was kind of a dumb thread with too much trash talking from various key board commandos. Stick with the car stuff.........'course there were a couple of nice you tube videos :love10:
We dont need a 'ring' for members to beat on each other.

I know what you mean Joey, should be no need for it, but it just seems to happen quite regularly at this time of year.
Simply trying to find some kind of happy medium, and keep the thrash talk and what not away from the mainstream forums.
That thing was a totally stupid thread and should've been locked / removed after the first two or three posts
That thing was a totally stupid thread and should've been locked / removed after the first two or three posts

Likely so, I understand your point. Many don't want to see it, but some do.
You got to admit that, that thread amongst many others like it, somehow grab a lot of peoples attention (for what ever reason), and get multiple replies/views. I personally found that one entertaining.
I'm with Giles on this one. We have the best mopar information being shared already, but sometimes, I like to spark up, sit back, and read the posts of several different personalities. To me, this site is all about fun, and fun with cars. Every off topic comment should be smart assed, and should be taken that way too. If you get burned, or get mad, then you lose the fun factor. (of course, my sense of humor is way off of normal).
It really is a let down, to me at least, when I look forward to seeing how a thread is proggressing, then poof! it's gone?
You know after smoking a joint and a few wobbly popssss tonight that cat just might grow on me LOL
Hey I apologize for my remarks not my beliefs, but I too thought the strings should be pertain to the subject, It just hit a nerve.and anyone is entitled to their opinion. Again Im sorry for the whole mess