Ain't it the truth?



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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South Charleston, WV
(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000; (B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000; (C) Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171. :pale:
- Statistics courtesy U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services.

( A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000; (Yes, that's 80 million.); (B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500; (C) The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188 - Statistics courtesy of FBI 8)

Statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners. :axe::axe:
How do you like those numbers?
Not surprised. Too many pt's for the doctors to concentrate on properly in order to NOT kill and they probably save most of the accidental gunshot wounds (or the paramedics save them at the scene).
The truth is Any point can be backed up with statistics. LOL
Do doctors who are also gun owners kill more patients than those who aren't gun owners ?
93.7% of all statistics are made up. :)
I always liked the bumper sticker I saw one day and never forgot it: "Ted Kennedy's car killed more people than my guns have" lol!

In regards to statistics though, 100% of the people that have read this thread have read this thread. :)
"Statistics are meaningless, you can use statistics to prove anything thats remotely true." Homer Simpson

I know I feel much safer being surrounded by people with guns, then being surrounded by doctors.

yeah. Drs. do kill, but at least they try. they killed my mom due to heart surgery procedure not properly followed, she bled to death from her ribs, dr. did admit fault and apologized profusely but in s fla drs. lobbied that if a son or daughter is over 18 the dr. cannot be sued for negligence, she died to live on my birthday march 7 1999, never really had a true father ,if you looked at him wrong you would get double punched in both eyes,I had 4 bros and eating breakfast we would all put the cereal box and watered down milk jug in front of our faces so he wouldnt get mad,we all forgave him but after forgiving him my oldest bro borrowed $2000 from him and never paid him back hahahaha, anyhow staph infections are killing a lot of people in s fla hospitals on minor surgical procedures ,I avoid hospitals and have a va nurse come by to check up on me on occasion,lil off course, sorry.yall take care
Statistics are like a lady of the night...... once you get them down, you can do anything with them.....
Doctors and Medicine are a bunch of BS. If your kids are depressed, do not tolerate the General Diagnosis of Bipolar Depression. It is BS. I watched Frontline Report on Pyschotropic Drugs and Children, and no way in hell I am ever medicating my Kids.

Human beings need good clean water, an occasional wash (not necessarily Daily), Red Meat, White Meat, Vegetables not grown with pesticides, and clean air to breathe.

Doctors are there to sell Medicine. You come in, complain about an ache or pain in some area, they start running tests trying to figure out what medicine to give you.

I will not go to a doctor for a head ache, or stomach ache either. If I do not **** for 2 days I know I need to eat some prunes or grapes.

Today's medicine and pharmacutical mindset is fukked up.

I have a DNR filed in my personal files, DO NOT RESISITATE for those who do not know.

I wish to die like God intends instead of having assistance for Pro-Longed Life.

The best medicine on the planet is Illegal in all 50 states, just some states have amended laws that are superceded by the DEA.

To the big GOV Controlled Pharmacy out there...I say :thebirdm:

BTW the cure to most cancers was discovered over 100 years ago....funny how they resurface after you brainwash the cure from The People.
Being happy with yourself, and just a little fresh air out in nature getting exercize and eating a few green's and fruit's with a good pork or beef stake.
I keep vineger and honey in me, Two good eggs and a can of spinach is good for some problems too.:-k
But how many folks eat like I do.:dontknow:
We have old hospitals that need to be completely be destroyed and new ones but up, Staff is every where.
Code enforcement is terrible in most places we eat sleep and doctors offices and hospitals!! Well that covers most of it.

I eat and exercise properly so I can be there when I need to be there for my friends and family8) .

Ok!! and so I can have a :drinkers: or two
its funny how we dont even have a cure for the common cold. we only have things to help you get better sooner. Some doctors are really food at what they do but others like the one my mom was seeing for terminal bone cancer doesn't want to release her files because he screwed up and doesnt want to get sued for not listening to my mom when the cancer started out as breast cancer.
Straight A students don't always make the best doctors. Intuition and common sense helps.
The FDA has swat teams!! try selling natural herbal meds and watch how fast you get a visit from the drug companies AKA FDA.
So the oath the doctors take is bull!!
my mother and three of her brothers died from cancer.
We where exposed to a lot of pest and growth fertilizer's.
This may be a good thing, and tell the fda to go some where else to make there money and leave this natural treatment to the patient.
If this gives anyone relief and makes there life beter, I say do it.
Beer and cig smoke has dun more damage then this herb has dun in its life.

Cool video Prine!! and thanks for sharing8)
Just doing my job as a concerned U.S. Citizen that has been lied to my whole life!

I am tired of the the lies and corruption...its time we put some Legislators in Ft. Levenworth to pound some boulders! :protest:
You know what I noticed, guns don't kill people, people kill people and sometimes they use a gun. The gun is a tool. Not a killer.

I noticed Doctors have a problem. The ones that shouldn't be praticing are making the ones that have little problems or none, pay through the nose in Insurance premuims that inturn make it more expensive for me and you.

Get rid of the quacks and keep felons locked up and melt the guns publicly.
Were half way there.

Tar and feathering wouldn't bother me a bit. Oh yes, leav'em tar and feathered in jail. They can clean themselves up with soap and water. Frak'em!
Prine said
I am tired of the the lies and corruption...its time we put some Legislators in Ft. Leavenworth to pound some boulders!

Prine is right, this corruption thing is way out of control. Maybe if these guys who get caught faced jail time instead of being sent to a Hilton Hotel they might change.It's so far out how could it be changed? It exists everywhere there is big money.
Ever wonder why it's called the American cancer society instead of the cancer prevention society? Only 11 cents of every dollar goes to research the rest pays for land purchases and salaries.
I see the oil companies are in front of congress now, just another show to make us think something is being done about gas prices. $100,000,000,000 profit last year is ok? and thats just one company. OH and don't forget the subsidies they get on the side for their efforts to milk the public.
Just doing my job as a concerned U.S. Citizen that has been lied to my whole life!

I am tired of the the lies and corruption...its time we put some Legislators in Ft. Levenworth to pound some boulders! :protest:

Thank you:salut: We all would like neighbor's like you Prine=D>
Some times I wounder how I could help this problem we are in.
I have lived with my family pounding boulders as you put it.
and I think I will keep myself happy and go on with my life:thumblef:

Don't want to preach but its going to get worse :salute: