Almost got shot.....

Charm must work well for you! Lay it on smooth and nice, huh? Well, I'm sure the hug and your sincerity meant a lot to the widow, good going!
I thought the back woods of Northern Pa /Southern upstate NY was bad!
Man, what a story! You got some good buddies with you too. A story to share around the campfire for years to come!!
Pictures will be posted tomorrow. They are parts cars. Lots of good parts. The coronet was a 318 car. The Volare has two front sway bars. Did i mention the guys in the rollbacks loaded those cars faster than i have ever seen em work. Should i say ,while they were looking over their shoulders.

I'm surprised those guys didn't leave you stranded.
WOW... glad your all in good shape.....amazing what we go through to get parts cars ! (I thought I heard a banjo playing in the background when I read that... lol)

I was thinking about this today.

Small Block,

About how old was the son that shot his uncle to protect his dad?

I guess he would at least be in his teens but that would be something if he was younger.
You kept your head as well as your tongue I bet. That could have went bad quickly and I'm glad cooler heads prevailed. Domestic disputes are the most dangerous of all and you got put in the crosshairs.
95: I talked to the kid at first on the phone and if i were to guess i'd say he could be 18 to 22 or 23. It's a long time to have to live with that hanging over a young mans head even though he was protecting his dad. I'd like to think my son would do that for me but would hate for him to have to live with that on his mind and you know it would be. Bad deal. What gets me is the two guys were brothers. What is becoming of the world.
95: I talked to the kid at first on the phone and if i were to guess i'd say he could be 18 to 22 or 23. It's a long time to have to live with that hanging over a young mans head even though he was protecting his dad. I'd like to think my son would do that for me but would hate for him to have to live with that on his mind and you know it would be. Bad deal. What gets me is the two guys were brothers. What is becoming of the world.

Man... Yeah I see what you are saying.

Friend of mine was talking about "What is becoming of the world?" We both kind of agree that it is getting bad but this kind of stuff has been going on for a long time. Remember when Cain killed Able (sp) in the Bible?
Reminds me of that movie with Vitto Mortensen(sp) called "A History of Violence."
There was a scene in that movie very similar to the one described above with the young kid but i won't ruin the movie for you.

If you have never seen that movie and you like a good flick you gotta see this instant classic.
I love this movie, one of my favorites of all time........Joey...LOL!

Great one liners too.
Kinda like riding a motorcycle and Sodom and Gamora. Target fixation. Keep your eye on the prize. It may be out of this world.
Man, that story gave me the heebie jeebies. I would have to bone up on my pig squeeling imitation before venturing into those hills.
Sounds like you had a great time. I always wondered how people can be so stubborn over something that they would risk going to jail for killing someone for driving down a lane or something else stupid. If you were stealing the cars, then yes, get shot, but it sounds like a family feud that's been going on for years. What do these people do, wait around to trap someone?
That's some fun huh???

Had a gun pulled on me at a big $$$ street race one time and was the last time I street raced in the 80's. The wrong element was getting involved and it was time to go. Definitely the most uncomfortable, that's putting it lightly, I've ever been. Guess in a crazy way there was some justice in the deal... same a-hole did the same thing to someone else that was better armed than he!

Sorry to read you had to go through that and good to know you got out the other side!
Here are a couple of pics of the cars that true mopar freaks are willing to risk life and limb for. Believe it or not, both are solid cars and can be saved. Life has some crazy turns.

67 coronet.jpg

67 coronet #4.jpg
340: We went west . Over in the back woods of Dora. I'm headed for Thomasville saturday to an auction to by a miller bobcat. Some good people over there as i have done a lot of work in that area for some very wealthy people. Hope i make it back. LOL Thanks for the pics VIC and yes we are working today. Never mind the ice. See ya in about an hour.
So you guys are gonna save them?

Also, can I use those pictures for my website Forgotten Mopars? Oh, and the story too?
I think that is his Sweptline, isn't that the Field of Dreams behind Smallblocks house?