Amazon drones, LMAO



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Oct 14, 2010
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The local "neus" reported that Amazon is still pushing the FAA to allow them to use drones to deliver packages

(an idea by the way that I think is so bad that I cannot believe it got out of their board rooms)

Anyhow, one of the comments to the "nooz" website was

"Looks like flying targets with prizes attached, to me!!"
Because when I think secure and safe deliver, I think an rc helicopter... Can't wait to one hits a tree or power line lol
People around here would stop shooting them when word gets around that they're not good to eat!
A new Reece's commercial for 2016.. After 2 drones collide "You got chocolate in my peanut butter".
3 years later a news report, " Another large television crashed onto the 105 freeway during morning commute. This one, a 55 inch Sony, caused a 7 vehicle collision snarling traffic for hours. And some poor sap didn't get to watch our broadcast this evening."
10 years later, "Shipping costs on the rise as Amazon and others begin to replace their aging fleets of drones. Details on that story and more after the break".
Now scroll back up to the Reese's commercial LOL
Yeah it's a Purdy stupid idea. Kinda like income tax.
25 years-

Amazon bussing south American immigrants across border for delivery service.
Corporate spokesperson says they can eliminate 4 high paying tech jobs for every immigrant they hire at new sub-minimum wage.
In other news- June- US approved drone use to BP for pipeline monitoring operations in Alaska. First ever FAA approved commercial drone use in general civilian airspace.
Yeah it's a Purdy stupid idea. Kinda like income tax.

I don know , They laughed at Alexander Bell over the telephone.
Everything that exists was first imagined. Like the stoke that delivers babies ?
To throw a bit of logic at Amazons venture... Most anything light enough
for their single little drone to deliver will eventually come right out of our 5D Replicater.
So even if it flies it wont endure.
HEADLINE NEWS, July 12, 2024

Amazon today announced it is filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A spokesman stated that it could no longer suffer the extreme losses of packaged goods and delivery drones. the spokesman claimed that Nigerian hackers are successfully "hacking" into the control programs and flying the drones and goods to Nigeria, where they are being resold.
HEADLINE NEWS, July 12, 2024

Amazon today announced it is filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy. A spokesman stated that it could no longer suffer the extreme losses of packaged goods and delivery drones. the spokesman claimed that Nigerian hackers are successfully "hacking" into the control programs and flying the drones and goods to Nigeria, where they are being resold.

I want some of those batteries. :blob:
When someone's drone causes a major air disaster, how they going to manage that publicity?
I want some of those batteries. :blob:
When someone's drone causes a major air disaster, how they going to manage that publicity?

HEADLINE NEWS, July 12, 2205. A boeing transport vessel carrying 2945 passengers crashed today, killing all aboard. The NWOAA (New World Order Aircraft Administration) announced that it was due to "pilot errors."
HEADLINE NEWS, July 12, 2205. A boeing transport vessel carrying 2945 passengers crashed today, killing all aboard. The NWOAA (New World Order Aircraft Administration) announced that it was due to "pilot errors."

Ah yes, the old scapegoat trick to blame the dead pilot.