AMD discontinuing Dart panels ???



Active Member
Oct 19, 2021
Reaction score
Brisbane City, Australia
Hi Fabo

I've got a guy on my local Facebook marketplace off loading a heap of a/b-body quarter panels. I have expressed interest and he tells me AMD are discontinuing the Dart quarter panel production line. Says they have been popular and he has one set left (aren't I the lucky one). Anyway, I smell a rat. Question to the forum is there any truth in this statement ? Of course I can contact AMD direct but just wondered if anyone here has heard this. I know prices have increased but have heard/seen nothing about discontinued lines but will dissect AMD's website anyway.

Cheers group
I heard about some other a-body parts being discontinued last year. AMD had them priced 50% off. So I ordered everything I thought I might need. I have looked occasionally and some of these same parts haven't been available since. Just looked again.... lots of Dart Sport parts are out of stock and some that I bought last year are not listed at all.
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I believe they only discontinued the quarter skins for darts not the full panels. But yes they have been discontinuing alot of a body stuff in the last few years. Going to make alot of fixable cars parts cars again. They are more concerned with making Ford and gm panels now.
That is correct. The skins were phased out and full quarters are still available. Many of us hoarded sheet metal during that sale!
I believe they only discontinued the quarter skins for darts not the full panels. But yes they have been discontinuing alot of a body stuff in the last few years. Going to make alot of fixable cars parts cars again. They are more concerned with making Ford and gm panels now.
Didn't they get Recognized by doing Mopar Repops?
in my opinion they collect "orders" or market demands. Steel, wood, microchips are sold out and prices high.
When they make panels, they stamp hundreds of them, not one single for a dude. They need cheap sheetmetal and a bunch of orders and they start producing.
Didn't they get Recognized by doing Mopar Repops?
Yep. That's all they used to make for the most part. But they have been making alot of stuff for Ford and gm I would assume there is more demand and money to be made. Sad really. Hopefully they keep the stamps to make these discontinued parts just in case there is a need for them again.
They're also discontinuing E body Shaker hoods. All that is left is a hood with pin holes. I know when I bought mine at Carlisle last year they were a hot item and Stephens was selling a few of them. I guess the hand writing is on the wall for Mopar sheet metal.
Get them while you can. All sheet metal will be stopped and restoration shops are buying them up. I just bought 5 Demon duster full and half also Todd bought and has 6 barracuda. Small parts are also getting hard to get.
As stated above, AMD is phasing out all mopar sheet metal. Ford and chevy is the future. I also heard they are destroying the dyes/molds as well due to lack of interest and demand.
I see people buying A body projects hand over fist. They are in for a BIG surprise. If I can ever sell my turd IM DONE with that mess. Sheet metal will be non existent!!!!!!!
Order shreetmetal now and corner the market.

just like everyone running wanted ads for Schumacher engine mounts and headers.
I have piles of AMD Sheetmetal in storage. I started buying all the metal I need for my cars about a year ago. The writing was on the wall, I saw this coming.
You would hope AMD would sell the dies to goodmark, dynacorn or any other company that would be willing to make them. Im sure they could get more than scrap value.
As many 73+ A bodies you see selling recently, you would think they would concentrate on those. Demand is there, im not sure why they cant see it.
I heard from an AMD/Dynacorn dealer that the panels were stamped at the same facility.
The reason for the backlog is demand versus volume which Chevy and Ford wins hands down by at least 5:1.
Sad but true, but they will have runs of 500 units or so at a time for the Mopar stuff, so you need to be patient.
He also said that the prices will increase across the board by 35%.
Yeah, it sucks, but that's the time we live in.
I'm glad I bought a bunch of what I needed when the parts were being discontinued.....