And they wonder why we live in a high stress environment



Gratis persona
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Prattsburgh, NY
Lost my job back in October. Long story short, fired over bullshit.

Been a month now and the bureaucrats are still screwing with my unemployment. Seems like each week I get something new in the mail that has to be filled out and faxed in.

Online almost constantly with the jobs sites. Once upon a time I could walk in a door, shake a few hands, drop off a resume and have a job within a couple of days. Now, everything, with just about everyone, has to go through the internet.

Thankfully, the weather is holding out on me. I've got three pick ups that I've been parting out and scrapping the rest. Brick Nose Fords, so, I'll be posting parts on craigslist and facebook.

In the meantime, watching Christmas crawl near...

Stress level is almost through the roof. Find myself getting a game plan in place and then spinning my wheels trying to figure out where to put the first piece of the puzzle.

Fun, fun, fun!
Lost my job back in October. Long story short, fired over bullshit.

Been a month now and the bureaucrats are still screwing with my unemployment. Seems like each week I get something new in the mail that has to be filled out and faxed in.

Online almost constantly with the jobs sites. Once upon a time I could walk in a door, shake a few hands, drop off a resume and have a job within a couple of days. Now, everything, with just about everyone, has to go through the internet.

Thankfully, the weather is holding out on me. I've got three pick ups that I've been parting out and scrapping the rest. Brick Nose Fords, so, I'll be posting parts on craigslist and facebook.

In the meantime, watching Christmas crawl near...

Stress level is almost through the roof. Find myself getting a game plan in place and then spinning my wheels trying to figure out where to put the first piece of the puzzle.

Fun, fun, fun!
been there. It sucks, hopefully you find something soon. not sure what kind of work you do, but have you put your resumes on linkedin or indeed? I took that advice and within 3 weeks I had a job.
Sorry to hear that man. In today's world the job search is all about networking. The internet has made it so easy to apply for a job that employers are now getting hundreds of applications for each posted position. The only way around it is with a personal connection or introduction.

I searched for a long time before finally taking an assistant manager position at Advance Auto Parts (I'm suppose to be next in line for the next store manager's opening). The money is exactly half of what I was making in my last job! I got it by connecting to a couple of Advance district managers on Linkedin. Then sending my resume to one of them with a note asking for help. He sent my resume to the regional manager who emailed it to all the district managers in the region. The district manager with stores near my house called and hired me.

I'm now working on something else and will fill you in when it happens. It was by a chance meeting that I made the connection!!

I'm on the Crossroads Career Network team at my church and assist people with career search. PM me if I can help in any way!
I am sorry to hear this Robert. Hang in there my friend...
I am sorry to hear this Robert. Hang in there my friend...
hang in there. I had to move all the way across the country, to a foreign place (california) once, only to break my neck in a car wreck. God can pull thru it, talk to him about it .
Yeah, we'll be fine.

God has provided for us in the past, He will continue to do so.

Karli and I have got this, simply because God has got this.

The stress, though, keeps us from hearing what He's telling us and can get in the way. When outside influences exert control things get tough.

My inbox is getting blown up with daily alerts from Glassdoor, indeed, careerbuilder, etc. Just a matter of siphoning through the chaff to get to the pertinent alerts and going from there. I still need to hook up with some of the local temp companies and, if I have to, seasonal work will have to do. I've been in the position before that I have to work my way up. If need be, I'll do so again.

In the meantime, I'm looking at getting a plan in place. I may have to sell some high dollar items in my possession that I really don't want to sell, but if I'm left no choice, then I'll do what it takes to keep the lights and the heat on.

The plus side: the fridge and the freezer are packed as we did our every two months stock up, so we've got enough food to get us through til the first of the year and somewhat beyond.
I searched for a long time before finally taking an assistant manager position at Advance Auto Parts (I'm suppose to be next in line for the next store manager's opening). The money is exactly half of what I was making in my last job! I got it by connecting to a couple of Advance district managers on Linkedin. Then sending my resume to one of them with a note asking for help. He sent my resume to the regional manager who emailed it to all the district managers in the region. The district manager with stores near my house called and hired me.

I made those connections when I had my shop and used Advance as my primary vendor. I knew half a dozen GM's in the area and through them I met the DM. When the DM found out I was available, he pretty much took the bull by the horns and threw SOP out the window to get me on board.

From, there, though, things dragged. I was an AGM for over a year before they knocked my down to Parts Pro in store staffing consolidations. Our store was too small to have an AGM so they made room to keep by taking the current RPP and asking him to move down, too. He left, instead.

I was told I was getting "fast tracked." Yeah, okay. I'd worked with guys (and gals) who had been AGM's for over a decade who weren't given the chance to move up, instead watching corporate hire in GM's from outside the company. The problem is, the DM's aren't in charge of hiring GM's. RVP's are. When the RVP's have a different idea of how the region should be run than the DM's in charge of the districts, it kinda gets taken out of the DM's hands. Especially when you're DM is bit of a rogue.
I was told I was getting "fast tracked." Yeah, okay. I'd worked with guys (and gals) who had been AGM's for over a decade who weren't given the chance to move up, instead watching corporate hire in GM's from outside the company. The problem is, the DM's aren't in charge of hiring GM's. RVP's are. When the RVP's have a different idea of how the region should be run than the DM's in charge of the districts, it kinda gets taken out of the DM's hands. Especially when you're DM is bit of a rogue.

Yep, I'm starting to believe its like that here also. I was hired as an AGM with the "promise" I'd get the next GM slot. Well...first I was moved to a different store to replace a AGM that was moved to a GM slot. Funny thing is the store he was at needs a lot of help. So, the DM (or RVP) moved this guy into a GM spot when the store he as at as a AGM needs a lot of work. I've been doing a lot and feel like the store has come a long way. We scored yellow on the audit last week instead of red when I first moved there. THEN...I find out that a GM slot the DM was talking to me about (which is about 10 minutes from my house) was filled with a guy from Best Buy.

I've only at AAP since July. I like it but the pay and hours suck. When I leave I'll miss working with the customers but not much else!! I love it when a customer comes in and says "Will you come and let me show you something so you can tell me the best way to fix it"? Usually its not something too difficult, they just need a little reassurance. I'd love to be in a DM roll...I think I could help coach GM's how to better lead people. I've only seen one good one since starting to work there.
Sorry to hear about your situation. My wife was not employed for 6 months and did the online mess. She has just started a temp job that pays well and will go permanent in 90 days. Keep searching and something is going to work out for you. Keep the faith my friend