


FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chicago, Illinois

Yesterday, Michelle (my girlfriend for more years then I care to count) and I, decided to get married.

No date set or any plans as of yet. Probably wont be anytime soon. When we do, we'll probably have some kind of small ceremony, but then a BIG party afterward, to which you will all be invited.

I just thought I would share that with everyone.
Right on!!!!! Being this is on the jokes and funny stuff thread, does that mean that this is a joke???? If it is not. Congradulations!!!!!!!!
I feel so sorry for you Joey! That just bites! Can you say another one bites the dust. I will be sending flowers for the funer--, I mean wedding when it happens.

And in case this wasn't an early April fools prank. CONGRATS!!!!!

Good for you, don't pay any attention to all those guys here complaining about losing their house and cars, etc. through a bitter divorce, you'll be different :-D

Seriously though, congrats, I've been with the same one for near 30 years so as they say in MMA, you do have a punchers chance :-D
Considering that said above, if you are not pulling all three legs, congratulations.:lovestor:
Hmmmmm, not sure if this is legit or not considering its under the jokes section. If so then congrats!!!! I just hope that Michelle doesnt come here or she might just wonder why you chose to post the news in the jokes and other funny stuff section. Im sure that her heart was yours the moment she saw your extraordinary Christmas light hanging skills lol Best of luck!!!
I admire you for keeping your head out of the noose this long LOL
and they never had a fight. boy thats gonna change lol. i do means she dont. Congrats on the big screw up anyway.
I ran Victoria at Memphis Motor sports last Thursday's Play day and ran a 0.06 reaction time and a 3.8 60 foot and ran a 73 mph 16.07 1/4 mile with my 170/ pea shooter :cheers:

Congrat's on the date not set yet, he he :-D
Good for you, don't pay any attention to all those guys here complaining about losing their house and cars, etc. through a bitter divorce, you'll be different :-D

Seriously though, congrats, I've been with the same one for near 30 years so as they say in MMA, you do have a punchers chance :-D

uh -- prenup baby :)
Joey..congrats on being the lucky one that she chose to to be with.

Just remember the Golden Rules.

Rule # 1: The Happier You Keep The Womenfolk, The Better Your Quality Of Life (and toys) Will Be.

Rule # 2: Refer Back To Rule # 1.

Rule # 3: Recite "Yes Dear" At Every Request, Demand and Suggestion ie: Refer To Rule # 1
You would be suprised how many members will take you up on that invite....
That would certainly be a celebration for you and also FABO, and if it's not for a year or so, I might even have a finished A body to
Don't forget the two most important things. "Yes dear" and "I'm sorry, it's all my fault!" LOL good luck! Mike
Better learn fast, the first thing you say when you wake up in the morning is "I apologize for whatever I may do wrong today."
LOL - congrats!!!
Better learn fast, the first thing you say when you wake up in the morning is "I apologize for whatever I may do wrong today."
LOL - congrats!!!
:toothy10::toothy10: that is so funny and true :toothy10:
Congradulations Joey but Chicago. Joey I don't like Chicago, it's cold and windy there but heh if you're buying and got an extra bed or 2, heh Sid, ya ever been to Chicago, I still got a crap load of air miles from my last job.
