another ebay moron with a 69 barracuda

LOL what a dumbass!!
i wonder what shade of black that exterior color is?

I had'nt even noticed that part of his ad,just the text alone was mind boggling enough.Looking again I see he's checked off that it's been whom? for what? by the look of the interior I'd want it inspected by a reputable pest control outfit.

He also checked off that there's an existing warranty on the car??? I would have thought that adding an edel block carbarater 4 barrel double pump 750 might void the factory warranty on your special order stroker 318 but maybe his family got special treat ment from Chrysler to go along with the special motor and the Pose Etraction 12 bolt Maine.
It's been on craigslist here for a while Probably a little over priced for what it is.

Looks like someone with no feed back and less than 30 days on ebay is running up the price. Always makes me wonder if its the owner or his friends.

Interesting...he says on his fleabay ad that he's selling because he's leaving the state...could'nt he take the car with him? is he going to a state that does'nt allow cars? it does'nt exactly sound reassuring to any potential buyers out there that the guys about to skip town.
However on that craigslist ad he says he's selling to pay doctors bills...which one is it?
Either way,he'll probably have some doctors bills when the new owner realizes what a overhyped piece of crap he just bought.
I wonder if he would answer "yes' if someone asked him if a carfax was ran on it, and if it was inspected by the better business bureau?
Anyways, I found the owners of the car, and they said it has footwell headers too. LOL.

Everybody click on the link and sign in to your ebay account and overload him with questions about the "details" he has provided. I just about peed myself reading some of y'all's responses!!!
Family Owened All original Speical](*,)

Pose Etraction ](*,)](*,)

12 bolt Maine ](*,)](*,)](*,)

Original BIll Sheet ](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)

Orginaly White ](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)

Edel Block Carbarater ](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)](*,)

Hasunt thiss gi evr hurd off a spel chekker?

Duh, them redd linz musst meen wee iz uzin impotent wurdz!
"It Has Other Options That i Dont no Of" OOOOH Mystery options!! I wonder what they could be!

AND... an Edelbrock double pump carb!!

Comes with a disposable douchebag in the drivers seat. Seriously , never buy a MoPar with a Chebbie rearend.
Damn.....I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thanks I needed that!!
These guys could be Nancy Pelosi's brothers............I'd be careful buyin' a car from them........

Nah, cant be. Look at them. Anyone can see they are a thousand times brighter than Pelosi!

What wrong with you people in CA. Get her the Hell out of there!
I can't believe there are people that are actually bidding on this car,without asking lots and lots of questions,hmmm.
@plum: ebay is home to some of the dumbest people on earth. Doesn't surprise me. Most of them have more money then sense it seems constantly

I just feel bad for the car. I bet if it could talk it'd probably say something along the lines of "please save me from this Chevy idiot before he throws a 454 in me and tries to see if I can drift. He already cut of my balls and replaced them with a rusty chevy rear"

i betez ohwnuh hez urginuhl tytal. lukz lyeks a kellar deel. if noh wun hare bughs et i em outbeddihng averybodty weff feftiin grend!:bootysha:
Ooops, I forgot, I looked at the title and there was not one actullie.

It'es a selvidge car that was in miner recks but no majer wuns.

My diddy told me the intake is top- loder with a themalquand corbereuternal with an extrah three birrels for guud speed and stuff.

Man thats funny you make me laugh:jocolor:We can allways count on good stuff from you.