Another mall shooting...

A mile away from where I live. thank god he off'ed himself before causing real damage, not that 2 dead is good, but it could have been a LOT worse.
His gun jammed after about 12 shots they are saying here now on the morning news..
These kukes grew up watching or playing to many of the shoot em up video games where the bad guy is cool! Welcome to the new America. No regard for anyone else's life or respect for fellow human beings. Pretty sad!
i was there last Wednesday if i would have been there yesterday i wouldn't have gave him the chance to shoot himself. but thank God it wasn't worse.
If I was going to do something like that my guns would be clean and jam free. I would have bought the best ammo possible. Just shows how smart these people are.
At least the OP asked what's wrong with the people instead of asking what's wrong with the guns.
That's a start.
I was at work when my sister who works across the street from the mall called me freaked out that someonr was shooting. Took her an hour and a half to get out of there. Our friend was locked inside the mall ehile the shooter was running around. He works for sears and got lovkes in the common area at break
theres no way to stop these sick individuals. all we can do is be aware, alert and prepared at all times.
At least the OP asked what's wrong with the people instead of asking what's wrong with the guns.
That's a start.

I was brought up around guns, and taught at an early age to respect them. It's the idiots that look at a gun as just another shiny toy that you need to worry about. While I don't personally own any I am a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment, and as long as they are handled properly and with respect I see nothing wrong with people having them.
Our judicial system is f--ked up we need to stepup and make the punishment fit the crime americas system of justice has become a bunch of pussys we need to exicute prisoners within 12 months of convictions and televise the exicution [just like the presedential speaches] so these young punks can view what can happen.
Its very sad for the families and all involved. I work in Wilsonville and couldn't believe how many emergency vehicles were flying down the interstates towards Clackamas. I commend all the hero's in this tragedy.
This month was 5 years since the Von Maur shooting here in Omaha. It's crazy how people deal with their issues.
Our judicial system is f--ked up we need to stepup and make the punishment fit the crime americas system of justice has become a bunch of pussys we need to exicute prisoners within 12 months of convictions and televise the exicution [just like the presedential speaches] so these young punks can view what can happen.

While I tend to agree with that, it wouldn't help in these situations. We have a new problem along the lines of the middle east suicide bombers, crazy bastards that open fire and then kill themselves at the end. The total disregard for human life isn't new, the disregard for one's own life is, at least in the western world. This isn't the pissed off guy that kills his wife and then himself, it's killing as many innocent strangers as possible before blowing your own head off. There's no way a sane person can understand this at any level.
I welcome these ID10Ts to try this in texas. We have lots of concealed carry holders here myself included. I would just love to get the chance to off a moron like that if they wreaked havoc while i was in the mall. I train on a regular basis, and am a very good shot. If it comes down to my life or some shmuck firing a weapon at me and my family, im gonna take em out.
If you've been thinking about a concealed permit, get it & carry it!

That mall had a "no guns" policy...ironic, eh? Open carry state too..what if some law abiding citizen with a CWP or just gun toting against the Mall policy heard the guy was roaming around the mall looking to shoot someone? Stand your ground and ambush the A-hole from behind a rack of sports bras? ....Course you would probably be charged with 1st degree murder "Lying in wait..." No win situation...