Another officer struck :(

x2 on the bright light, I know and observe the " move over and if you can't slow down" rule. I hate it when the person in front of me does both at the same time by slowing down 20-30 mph AND jump into the other lane, that just causes people to slam on their brakes and swerve to miss the idiot. I've seen an officer almost get hit by an idiot doing that and it did cause an accident. luckily the officer did go after the idiot and write him a ticket for obstructing traffic and causing an accident.


One the one hand you claim you pull over but "hate others" who slow down.

See, this IS IS IS the problem.

A cop WHO STOPS A CAR and creates a HAZARD on the side of the road, and sometimes a SERIOUS hazard because of road width, shoulder or other road conditions, has ALREADY caused a potentially hazardous situation.

The fact that you "hate to slow down" because I, me, decided that I MUST slow down -- and get over--is only adding to the entire problem.

A "few" times I've been behind traffic, couple --3 big trucks, and because of trucks, hills, curves, you can't see the cop all that far ahead, the trucks CANNOT get over because of traffic, and BANG right in dam front of me is the cop on the side, so what do I do?

Can I get over? MAYBE

Must I slow down? Well are YOU tailgating me? Is slamming on the brakes REALLY what I need to be doing? Or do I just concentrate on driving past the situation?

"Along with" this so called safety law, there should be VERY hard and fast laws in effect forbidding cops from making "stupid" stops in dangerous road conditions. You wanna write that ticket? FINE. Wait a few miles until the road is wide, flat and clear. Hey, you're bein paid by the hour.
I believe it is a $1200.00 ticket in WA not to move over 1st option, or slow below reasonable (25mph?) if you can't change lanes.

Guy here at work his girlfriend blew by a scene and she was chased down. tried fighting in court...lost
How about telling the driver to continue to a location where they can pull off the road. Or would that be giving them a chance to buckle up or pop a breath mint.

Every job has its risks. If we choose to be aggressive and careless on the job we may pay the price for our actions.

I sympathies more with fallen fire and rescue personal then any other. It is always trying to save someone that causes their demise.
[QUOTE=BillGrissom;1969622688 . If an idiot is speeding in the left lane, I just pull in front of them anyway. If they rear-end me, automatically their fault.

Surely you were kidding with that statement.
Yes, people should be cautious around emergency vehicles, but there comes a point when emergency personnel should be cautious of their surroundings and even utilize an iota of common sense when exiting their vehicle and even place their vehicles in a staggered manner to protect themselves when they are outside. It's a sad event, but police officers do not have the luxury of complacency and this should be reiterated by their departments and possibly even included in the training classes to a greater degree.

Just my thoughts on the matter.

I once watched a cop step INTO TRAFFIC IN THE LEFT LANE OF A HIGHWAY to wave someone over! No safety gear, not a vest, not even a flashlight, and it was dark! A semi behind me damn near jackknifed avoiding him! Having worked as a tow jockey, rule one is: keep the truck between you and traffic!
Several states now have laws to move left whenever possible for any road-side hazard (police, tow truck). Seems common sense, but I have to argue with my wife whenever she is driving. If an idiot is speeding in the left lane, I just pull in front of them anyway. If they rear-end me, automatically their fault.

I'm sure that will be a comfort to your family when you are splattered by a 45-ton semi, or SHOT by a carload of gangbangers!
Amen. I think at the moment they rival a Pink Floyd Laser Light Show that has enough Lumens to be seen on the Moon. It's so damn ridiculous. I hope they ratchet it down before you need to carry a welding helmet in your car for eye protection at night.

The strobes on some police cars are bright enough to actually be dangerous...look at those at night and you're TOTALLY blind for a while.