Any devout Catholics here?

since im not a catholic, i was gonna stay out of this...except for one little editorial

Lazarus was the beggar (or the brother of Mary and Martha, but i doubt that is the one you have in mind)
and to the best of my knowledge, he had no servants
are you sure you dont mean the rich man and Lazarus?

I stand corrected , that is the Lazaris , I was referring to ; the rich man and Lazaris .
And , the only one that doesnt worship a man made thing , or someone that is dead .

And you know;
in Revelation, we see that
when Christ returns, He has an admonishment for each of the Seven early churches;
the 42,000 plus "denominations" that have somehow sprung from them.
There were only 7 then, and there are only seven angels and seven golden lampstands; so only seven today. If a person isn't in one of these, I suspect they will hear,"get away from me I never knew you".
These seven were tightly reined in by Paul and the apostles; so one might expect them all to be toe-ing the same line. Yet, now, some 2000 years later,Revelation shows that in the end, they are all over the place, and have to be corrected.
But these were not big box churches. I am done with those. In ten lifetimes, I might never, among the 42,000+, find one of the seven, much less find
the "Church of Philadelphia"
All religion

All religions are man made , Christianity is CHRIST centered------------
And , the only one that doesnt worship a man made thing , or someone that is dead .

I wonder if it ever occurs to people that every single religion on the planet only applies on this planet.
Just like time, as seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years really only apply on earth.