Any good tips for firing up motor on engine stand?

^^^^^^NOW THAT is the funniest damn thing I've seen All week!!!!! Hahahahahaha!!!! I freaking love that!!
Watch in the beginning when he starts it, the engine rocks back and forth and his gauge falls down. Omg I'm dying. LOL

And I agree with RRR, just reading this thread makes me want to go build one, and run the 408 stroker that's been on the roller cart Crackedback built me. It's been sitting long enough!!!!

I changed the link several times,as YouTube is full of these.I could not find the one I originally wanted to post . The guy fires up his 340 and is sitting on the trans revving it as if he's gonna ride the thing right out of there.freaking hilarious! Sorry for the tangent here. I would build a simple stand if I was gonna do this as I'd be afraid the thing would fall over on my leg!
I built one a few years back, electric fans, 1 gallon fuel cell, 1 wire alternator, has full set of gauges, battery box.
You will be surprised how fast a motor will warm up with out a fan moving air across the radiator.

Well, I stand corrected. Whoda thought to make one with wood. I guess I was thinking of a more permanent arrangement (plus I just love to weld and fabricate). My hat is off to those of you with the vision to do it like that.
My stand works great... It's all fabircated by me (and looks but it works. The engine is high enough to drop the pan or replace a leaking freeze plug. Has different configurations for big or small block - haven't gotten a six to do yet. I use bellhousings and flywheels, and it has it's own ignition hook ups for MP or points, oil pressure and temp gages... and it's beefy enough to be easy to push on my dirt. I built it to be able to safely break in cams and easillydebug the stupid crap that can happen (like that freeze plug comment).
No one mentioned the hook up with an automatic transmission. Does one need to fill it with transmission fluid? If so, wouldn't fluid poor out the tailshaft?
No one mentioned the hook up with an automatic transmission. Does one need to fill it with transmission fluid? If so, wouldn't fluid poor out the tailshaft?

I filled the converter and dropped a couple quarts in it. I ran the engine long enough to break in the cam , about 30 minutes. I secured a yoke in the tailshaft and made sure it was in park, ran a rubber line from one coolant line to the other. never leaked a drop. if I had had a different way to mount the starter I would have , but it worked out just fine using the A/T
jus my .02, If you have to fire it up just for a few minutes (no coolant, no charging system, etc.) Set it on the ground, I have fired engines on the ground, and they shake around alot, so the traditional engine stand with wheels might be dicey. You can set it on two by forurs or cement blocks or something like that and let er rip. I wouldnt hold the rpm at 3000 for too long or anything. I understand that there are situations where you want to fire the engine out of the car. Go for it, but have a kill switch and fire extinguisher at the ready. Sometimes just yanking the wire off of the battery or coil is all you need for a kill switch.