Any hockey fans?



Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2005
Reaction score
Barto, PA
Since there are so many Canadians on this board, there's gotta be some hockey fans, right? Why don't I ever see any hockey threads?

Crosby and the pens got CRUSHED tonight by my Fly-guys. Probably one of the best games I've seen since the lockout. If the Flyers could keep some consistency, they'd be a tough team to beat. A big turn-around since last season, huh?

BTW - for those who didn't see it: 8-2 final, Lupal and Umberger both with hattricks - Lupal w/ 6 pts. at least 3 fights, and TONS of scrums along the boards. Very physical, fast-paced game.
I'm soooooooooooo not letting my wife see this thread!!!!

(Crazy Ranger fan.)
I'm soooooooooooo not letting my wife see this thread!!!!

(Crazy Ranger fan.)
Rangers fan? ugh.:puker: :toothy4:

Edit: Actually, I guess as a Rangers fan you probably hate the devils and Sidney crosby as much as we do, although we hate the Rangers just as much!
LOL, I gotta fess up and say, when she turns on a game, I allways root for the home team. But thats about it. Otherwise, Hockey wold never hit the tube if it were my choice.
It would be PPV and all sci-fi channels.

The only sport I play is handball, doubles I like or I'm in/under/on/driving the car.
Go Sens Go!

Thank God ... some hockey talk! The only thing that would have made Philly's win better for me was if Gagne was playing. Of course, I am a Sharks fan (don't get me started) but I have been in big buy-in fantasy hockey leauge for the last 8 seasons. It took me eight years to win the thing since I am the reigning champ and let me tell you, the pay out was sweet. Granted, I just broke even if you count all the previous seasons but who cares - sometimes the bragging rights are just as good too.

As for my Sharks, I am bummed about Cheechoo because he just got back on the Thorton line 2 games ago and he has become known for his second half of the season points spree. As you can probably tell, Gagne & Cheechoo are both on my roster.
The SECOND best game since lockout was when the Flyers dismantled your Sens a couple of weeks ago! j/k

Seriously, could the Sens have anymore superstars in the lineup? I'm just glad they're cooling off because they were running away in the East for a while there.
I have a feeling that Emery is going to be getting the nod for the majority of the games right now and I think there will be another run (just not as extensive).
Hello from HOCKEYTOWN! Yes, Detroit the city that eats its young. The Wings are again the class of the NHL.
She likes the Sahnn/Gomez line. Sez, WTF w/Juagar? PIck it up boy!!!!!
I'm from Pittsburgh and I'm a BIG hockey fan > Love the Pens. I hate Crosby though. Malkin is so much better. I didn't get to see the game but I heard it was a brawl. Just wait until next game. It should be great !
Since there are so many Canadians on this board, there's gotta be some hockey fans, right? Why don't I ever see any hockey threads?

Crosby and the pens got CRUSHED tonight by my Fly-guys. Probably one of the best games I've seen since the lockout. If the Flyers could keep some consistency, they'd be a tough team to beat. A big turn-around since last season, huh?

BTW - for those who didn't see it: 8-2 final, Lupal and Umberger both with hattricks - Lupal w/ 6 pts. at least 3 fights, and TONS of scrums along the boards. Very physical, fast-paced game.

Well danmc77, speaking only for myself, I'm going to tell you a little hockey story that you can choose to believe "or not". I played hockey through my pre-teen, teenage and young adult years and loved the sport. So much so that when I moved to Northern Alberta it was at the same time the The Great One (Gretsky) was just getting started with the Edmonton Oilers. I and a friend of mine would drive 2 1/2 hrs to Edmonton, sometimes in blinding snow and -40 degC weather just to watch him and the rest of the gang. We had seasons tickets for all 5 Stanley cup wins and in those days it was fast and mostly diciplined hockey, not so today. The end came when Gretsky followed his love to lotus land and shortly there after, when ticket prices went through the roof and talent went in the crapper, I swore off playing or watching hockey.

Well Terry, it's a good thing you aren't a Leafs fan. We are too stupid to swear off our team, and the owners know it$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Could be worse, We could be Canadians fans.
Well Terry, it's a good thing you aren't a Leafs fan. We are too stupid to swear off our team, and the owners know it$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

Could be worse, We could be Canadians fans.

Well I'll tell ya Nemo, I can honestly say, with a world of conviction, that I have never been nor will I ever be a Leafs fan.LOL:hockey:
Besides my Sharks jersey, the only other one I have is a Habs jersey. It's been a great season so far but as usual, can't wait for the playoffs to begin.
Les Habitants forever, I have a seat from the forum in my basement.

I'm sorry Sparky, a seat you say, that's just sad. There's probably cooties all over it and if you could hear them they'd be saying tabernak eh.LOL:glasses3:
I'm from Pittsburgh and I'm a BIG hockey fan > Love the Pens. I hate Crosby though. Malkin is so much better. I didn't get to see the game but I heard it was a brawl. Just wait until next game. It should be great !

You Hate Crosby???? And your from Pittsburgh???? I guess you hated Lemieux too??? :knob:
If the Red Wings stay healthly, Hockeytown has another Stanley Cup! Flew up from North Carolina last year to see two playoff games. The first one we couldn't get into Detroit because the flights were booked solid so we flew into Cleveland and drove the rest of the way. Love this sport!