Any tips for first car show with the Duster?

Very nice car you have, just pull in and park do all the things suggested above as far as visuals [mirrors are over the top at a local show makes you look like a snob] this hobby is for guys and gals to gather and look, compare ideas and have fun. Trophys are just things that take up space and collect dust [trophy hounds are in this hobby and are never satisfied with what they get] the best trophy to get is when someone complements your car. Most judges don't REALLY KNOW what they are looking at cause they don't know every brand and what's correct just what they like. Make up an info placard listing the things the car has done to it is helpful, the magazine spread is a nice piece also display it. Basically just have fun answer any questions and be sure to recognize any one or shop that did any work for you [your car is their advertisement] nothing irritates me more than someone taking credit for building a car that the only thing they did was write the checks to have it built! As far as a for sale sign at a local show/cruise in I don't see anything wrong with it [some don't allow it]so you may want to ask first.
take care of it when ya can. it ruins the entire look under the hood and screams half assed.. the rest of the car looks too good for that stuff.. :)

You come off harsh Joe, but ill take it as constructive criticism LOL. Ill look into molded hoses at some point! :cheers:

Note: When you "re wet the tires", don't do it right where you are going to park if you are spraying them. If you are wiping them that is ok. I have "judged" a few shows and that is a real turn off seeing the tire shine allover the ground next to the tire.

Enjoy...and report back to us!

Yup, I didnt spray the tires down, I have a tire applicator that I spray and then apply it to tires so there is no mess around the tires.

Anyhow, Just recently got back from the show....I didnt win anything but still had a really good time! And as predicted.....80% camaro and mustang show....or brand new cars. or bone stock jeeps and chevy trucks with rims. There were a few mopars but not many. 2 challengers (one plum crazy the other was yellow with white drop top. 4 road runners (2 of which were orange). 1 blue charger with white r/t stripe, straight axle GTX, 66 barracuda,a general lee.A really ragged out looking 66 dart i think it was. And that was about it. No dusters other than mine.

The way they do the judging there is dumb...when you register you get a voting card and thats how they determine who wins any type of trophies. so of course in a predominately camaro and mustang crowd .....the Mopars are the odd men out. no way I had a chance.

BUT from the people who were there to enjoy the show looking at cars. I got a TON of compliments!. lots of people wanting to shake my hand for the work I did to the car. lots of people telling me it looked better than new. lots of ladies loved it lol.

had a few issues with some snot nosed kids wanting to run their hands down the side of the car but my wife put a stop to that lol. some parents just don't teach their kids manners. a few hefty slobs swinging pop bottles as they walked and wearing watches and swinging their arms as they
"waddled" came to close for comfort and was pretty nerve racking at times.

but all and all things went really well. alot of people didnt believe it was the same car on my show board. couldnt believe it went from what it was to what it is.

I had one know it all guy walk up and try to start an argument about how the go wing spoiler was never used on dusters and after bickering for a few minutes I finally said " you know what pal....your right" LOL. then he told me about his road runner and I went and checked it out and it was pretty rough....who is he to criticize? lol. But now I see what you guys were talking about when you mentioned the things to expect to run into at a show.

I didnt win anything....but it didnt bother me a bit, I had alot of fun with the family and got alot of nice compliments on the car and talked quite a bit with a few people who were really interested in the work and some people just reminiscing.

I started the duster up for a guy that wanted to hear it and about 100 people on that block turned and stared and lots of hooting and hollering and "cool car" comments and stuff....was a neat feeling.

oh an as for the comment someone made about taking credit for work. I can honestly say that I aswell as with some help from my father did EVERY last bit of work on the duster besides the installation of the windshield. And half of the paint on the car ( my painters back went out in the middle of the job and I had to finish it up). but I give credit where credit is due.

Anyhow guys, thanks for the tips you all gave me...all in all it paid off pretty well. Had fun and got to spend some family time looking at cars and cruising.

Here are a few pictures ( a couple of some of the neater looking mopars I seen there and some pictures of my car).

This wasnt a spotless car or anything but it was pretty neat so I figured I would share.

Me doing some last minute polishing up

Talking with a random guy that was in love with the Duster

sitten pretty

My boy on the look out LOL

My little man had a blast hanging out at the car show
Very cool, looks like you had a fun time, car looks great too :glasses7:
Hello, Your duster looks out standing. Car shows come and go but you are the one that needs to remember that this is your car and it is the best in class at any show. Winning is fun but if your were know the number of car shows that i have done, beeing there and having fun is the best part. Your time will come, but just enjoy the times to show others what you have done. Maybe one day we can meet at a local car show. Bakers last week had a Mopar show ( 180 Mopars ) Duster - Demon show. I have won many of shows but having fun is number one in my books, plus the girl friend is getting tired of cleaning them. Just kidding it's fun.


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Looks like it's set up on Michigan Ave, is it? I may try and go next month, if I recall they do it the last Friday of the month through the summer, right?
You ought to drive down to Jackson one night for the cruise night Richard. I live 20 minutes away and I haven't been to one yet, it seems like there is always something getting in the way, lol.
One of the pictures was on Telegraph Cruise night ( Going on this weekend ) and the other was on Woodward Cruise day, and one in the drive way here at house. Lets get to gether soon and chat, Thanks
Yup it's on the corner of Michigan ave and south Jackson. I live about 15 minutes away so it's not to far of a drive. They are in the middle of taking down the olde consumer power building so they got a lot of the roads blocked off that normally the cars park on for the shows but they just opened up different roads for parking so it wasn't to big a deal.
You come off harsh Joe, but ill take it as constructive criticism LOL. Ill look into molded hoses at some point!

no, don't mean ity to sound harsh. i call things as i see them. and like i said the rest of the car is too nice looking for those universal cheap hoses.. at the very least something like a coolflex would look alot better then a ribbed rubber hose. would give it a more finished look even though these are actually ribbed looking they don't look half assed like a rubber ribbed hose does..
no, don't mean ity to sound harsh. i call things as i see them. and like i said the rest of the car is too nice looking for those universal cheap hoses.. at the very least something like a coolflex would look alot better then a ribbed rubber hose. would give it a more finished look even though these are actually ribbed looking they don't look half assed like a rubber ribbed hose does..

And car shows are better with Bag Pipes :D
You ought to drive down to Jackson one night for the cruise night Richard. I live 20 minutes away and I haven't been to one yet, it seems like there is always something getting in the way, lol.

Me missed you at the Mopr at Bakers show last Saturday.... They had 10 Dusters in one Class.... Lots of nice looking cars