Anybody missing something??

I thought I lost something! Good lordy that's a lot of green!
Almost sounds like somebodys boat was sinking and they were trying to jettison cargo. lol
darn it the "if found" note must have washed off . time to break out the old "Save The Bales " Tshirt
That was the hemp I was going to use to recover my seats with...
Damn I was saving that **** for when I retire!
If i send you some A3 envelopes could you post it back to me please!!!
Who the heck would call the authorities if they found it???

You pick it up, take it home, and then don't have to BUY any for a while....

It's like at the end of Animal House where the little boy is looking at the Playboy magazine in his room on his bed and a girl in a Playboy Bunny suit gets thrown in his bed, then he looks up and says, "Thanks God...". Well... Thanks God...