Anybody wanna play "Name That Car"???

Studebaker bought out Packard. However, Studebaker was in worse financial shape than Packard which lead to the ultimate death of the Studebaker brand in the mid 1960's
Nobody mentioned the Citroen in the background either....

Since you did mention it, here are a couple of pics I took of it. It is in nowhere near as good a shape as the Packard. For anyone interested, it is a DS21, but I don't know what year.

2016-05-31 18.37.41.jpg

2016-05-31 18.37.54.jpg

There is also a 1966 Oldsmobile Toronado here, as well as a 1962 Buick Skylark. No old Mopars, however. Not that lucky.
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In the '60's, we had strange neighbors who lived poorly in between occasional windfalls that would come from the wife's family's wealth...suddenly they had two identical brand-new white Citroens in that body style. I rode in one only once that I remember, within just a year or two, both cars were sitting slammed on the ground with grass growing around them, never to move again...I assume they couldn't afford to fix them.
Looks like every Citroen I've come across. Dragging it's butt and immobile. Vive La France! Their weapons are only slightly better. I've played with a few MAS 36 and 49/56 models. Unless they were assigned to the Legion the condition was always great. Never fired, dropped once.....
its a least that is what they remind me of with that slanted and low rear suspension
The last cars named Packard were disguised Studebakers, made through 1958. The last Studebakers were made in Hamilton Ontario, in 1966. Their West Bend plant closed in 1964, I believe.
I am working on my 90 Ranger, I am battling rust myself. I am not sure how the 50's cars survive in the rust belt, I have to think the metal is thicker/heavier. Maybe the paint was better too. Its not uncommon to see early 50's pickups stilla round as well as cars. Most are redone of course, but they are around after almost 70 years.
lead based paint.....
a number of these cars have been altered with early and late Chrysler engines even the hemi's..but I am not sure Austin ever bought factory engines from Chrysler as did Briggs Cunningham, Jensen and Monteverdi just to name a few.
if it is a 51,someone has shaved the P A C K A R D off the hood...
I believe the man with the 53 call is correct, the holes where the rear fender trim has been removed call it out as a Patrician..distinction from a 51 nose shot is the badge that is part of the grille..someone has helped themselves to the cormorant also

my 51 Packard

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A Packard/Henney Hearse. I had a friend in college who had one. Rentede it out on Halloween.
yellow , right on . what about this one , its a combo , every part is a different maker . it seemed like all the others don't even challenge you guys . heres a hint , all but the headlamps are pre ww2 , and walter p. chrysler has a top man at the body markers company , well ?



