Anyone make your own package tray?



Senior Member
Feb 14, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Utah
I am at the point on my dart where I am starting on the interior. The cover for the package tray that I have is ripped and I need a new one or just make one. Have you made your own? If so with what? Do you have pics? Thanks
I made one for my duster. I went to the hardware store and got a 4x8 sheet of fiber board,if I remember correctly it was about 1/4 inch thick. I used what was left of old one to trace it and cut it out. Then just got material that matched interior and used spray adhesive and glued it on. Do not have any pics because car is in storage for winter. It turned out good.
Ive been planning to the do the same thing for my 65, yet I have speakers so I will have to remeasure a bunch of times to make it look nice
I made mine a while back and bought a 1/8" thin ply , cut a new one and bought Naugahyde from a fabric store and contact cement it on . It turn out real nice I even put a spare dart emblem in the middle .
Here's mine, I made it from 1/8th inch luan plywood and glued vinyl with almost the same grain as my seats, can't tell in the pic but it looks pretty good.

back seat.jpg
The factory used a color matched piece of fiber board for years. The sun would destroy most anything else. There are uv resistant materials today.
Good luck
here are the pics of the package tray in the car. I still have to cut the holes for the speakers. Sorry about the exposure, the sun was bright.

package tray 001.jpg

package tray 002.jpg

package tray 003.jpg

package tray 004.jpg