Approx shipping cost?



Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
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I have an aluminum intake manifold I m thinking of selling, (NOT HERE, I'll post an ad over there once I figure this part out.... I've had plenty of crap from a certain mod here this week already) what would be the best way to ship, about how much should I expect it to cost, which shipper would be best (yeah I know local pickup right?) And is there an "if it fits it ships" box available that it would fit in? Just a regular 4 bbl small block aluminum intake/ no tunnel ram or anything crazy like that.
They will fit in a "Game Box" from USPS Flat Rate but I have heard that they no longer use those boxes. SOmething you may want to check on. There have been a few that have been damaged though in those boxes because of the lack of space for proper packing on the ends. One drop and the intake corner may be broken.
Don't know what they will charge you, but I DO know this

I only ship with USPS if I can quote, buy and print the label from home

That is the ONLY way to know what they qoute yoy matches what they charge you

(Plus, when the postman rings twice the next day, he can take it from you, no need to drive into town)
They will fit in a "Game Box" from USPS Flat Rate but I have heard that they no longer use those boxes. SOmething you may want to check on. There have been a few that have been damaged though in those boxes because of the lack of space for proper packing on the ends. One drop and the intake corner may be broken.
One of our members pointed out in a different thread that USPS is phasing out the board game boxes, so if he has one, that's great

If he has to find one, it becomes a toss up
Why not ask where youre selling it lol. How are we supposed to guess cost when it could be going to Timbuckfour??
Yeah I get that ... I'm near Chicago, so I'm kinda centrally located.... But I have no idea where I'd be selling it to... Like I said this isn't the for sale thread.
I'd definitely need help from the buyer to set it up (shipping) I guess.
So you're not willing to sell it here.. .but you want advise from here... carry on ! :thumbsup:
because you're centrally located, you can figure on about $40 to either coast. USPS and UPS are running about the same price right now for ground shipping.
So you're not willing to sell it here.. .but you want advise from here... carry on ! :thumbsup:
i took the "here" in "not sellling it here" to mean GD, and that he planned on posting it in the classifieds but wanted to get a handle on the cost of shipping before listing it.
Yeah it's in classifieds.... Go look.
I just had to specify that THIS isn't the ad, with the BS I got, and things deleted by a certain mod in the last week.....which is why I didn't put a brand or price or anything like that here in this thread....