
I guess it's a good thing all 30K ain't active.

Dont matter to me....a town of 30k has it's "know it all's", "drunks", "ho's", "askholes, assclowns" and some generally good guys. I take it for what it is. I would rather deal with a less knowledgable person that's polite than an arrogant expert, but thats only my opinion...
Dont matter to me....a town of 30k has it's "know it all's", "drunks", "ho's", "askholes, assclowns" and some generally good guys. I take it for what it is. I would rather deal with a less knowledgable person that's polite than an arrogant expert, but thats only my opinion...

Yeah, I agree 100%. I cannot stand people that automatically assume they know the truth about anything.
What certain people think is correct really isn't, except in their closed minded reality where whatever they say is correct and you can't fix stupid lol. And that's what these threads are for and not everyone can be a know it all mechanic genius gear head or there would be no need for the threads. So ask away I am sure these know it alls will be more then happy to give you the "correct" answers LMFAO!
So at least they could actually try some of the advise before continuing on with their questioning, and whoa, here's an idea, report the results of each attempt!! That may help some!! Geof
My a--hole neighbor is trying to sell his house by himself. :evil3: I tried to be nice to him and he keeps being a prick. I'm tempted to put a sign like that in my front yard to let people know that him and I don't get along. :twisted: I'm waiting for the right time to inform him that he has to disclose that we don't get along to the new buyers before the deal is done, or else he can be sued for misleading the buyers. #-o He then, may regret starting **** with me, after it comes back to bite him in the @ss.... :finga: He who laughs last.... LOL!

my buddy has issues with his neighbor and this is the sign that we put upon the fence facing his house. he has to see it every time he leaves or comes home lol

View attachment lonies sign.jpg that all of this is all settled, back to the 160° or 190° thermostat type questions. that all of this is all settled, back to the 160° or 190° thermostat type questions.

Good idear lol

I can't seem to get my car up to a good temp ?? It only goes to about 160-180 tops even sitting on a hot day. I have looked and saw some info that I do not want to read and I'm not sure what size thermostat it has or if it has one at all.

But you should be able to tell me if it has one and if it does what size it is right ??

Also I was wondering if my local junk yard has a spare wheel for a 1969 VW bug. I'm sure there are other things I need to know and can look up but really don't want to so can you please give me the info I need.

Thanks in advance.
I would gladly help you all look up stuff, but ever since the choke broke on my computor I don't seem to be able to get it warmed up.
where do i check the head light fluid ?? and i heard i can get a can of instant compression but not sure where
Should be a thread for "ANSWERHOLES" For all the members that think they know it all as well. The only stupid question is the one you never ask. There are many threads that can prove this.