Attention Panhandlers...

There's lots of panhandlers around the downtown here. They always ask if you got any "spare" change. Had a guy ask me once. I said nope. He says "Well I can hear the jingling in your pockets".

First off. What's in my pocket's is my business. So feel free to **** off. But I'm too nice to say that. So I said "Yup. I got lots of change, none of it is spare". And walked away.

These people got lots of money to go buy a couple burgers. What's a mcdouble these days? Not even two bucks. Any money you give them goes straight to the bottle. Or drugs. If you want to help the people that REALLY need it. Call your local food bank. Ask what they need most of that week. And go get some. That food will go to the mouths of hungry struggling families and children.
my old home area Springfield, mo had many many panhandlers/ it also was a very generous city to help those in need. anybody ever seen "Convoy of Hope" for instance?? point is, there are so many places to HELP those needing help, NOT handpouts. I feel most larger cities offer such??
problem is sorry asses panhandling discourages help being offered to those that actually need and DESERVE help. just my $4 worth.
Still there Barbee. Hard to tell which Springfield has the most of, panhandlers or help wanted signs.
Still there Barbee. Hard to tell which Springfield has the most of, panhandlers or help wanted signs.

so true! people need to take control of their destiny if possible. yes there are people with mental problems, and those that have catistrauphic issues from war. my dad went thru 4 yrs of WW11 and 1 of Koreau. I remember being 7 yrs old and him walking the floor ALL night, night after night. they didn't call it back then anything fancy. I recall my mother explaining to me that my dad was ill, and the doc told her IF he went completely off he would kill those he loved the most, his family. a lot for a yr old to have to deal with.
she told him HE had to pull himself together, HE had a child that needed him, HE was the one and the only one that could control it.

back then, in the early sixties, elctro shock treatment was the "cure". he endured it. it snapped him out of it all, and almost killed him in the process.

he worked, raised his family, but after 20 odd years in Marine aviation, he could never step foot on another plane....
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