Automatic Transmission Fluid



Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Carrollton, GA
Since the question was asked what type of oil to use in a manual transmission I figured it couldn't hurt to ask about an automatic. Do you use just regular ATF? I am currently using ATF.
Whatever the current version of Dextron/Mercon is what I use.
See here. Everyone's got an opinion, and Torqueflites are tough enough to withstand all kinds of abuse, including the use of non-optimal fluids. Me, I stay away from Scamsoil; their stuff is overpriced and overhyped, a lot of their claims are baseless, and I don't like their Amway-style pyramidal sales force of "dealers"
Can you mix dextron II with dextron VI or do you need to use the dextron specific number you have in trasmission now ? What if you have type F in it can it be mixed with dextron ?
Type-F ( 904 with a Trans-Go TF-1 )

The one that gets me is seeing these cheap *** shops that use DEXIII-MERC in new(er) transmissions :cwm10: . They must like rebuilding transmissions or something !

One dumb *** shop in particular filled a 518 with DEXIII . I told 'em that they'll be doing warranty work in about 1 week ; they scoffed and told me "it's all the same" ...

... 2 days later , that truck was back in their shitty shop for warranty work , as the trans fried !

Stepping-over dollars to pick-up pennies :tongue1:

And , we have a buttload of leftover Plus 3 fluid that we would've sold to 'em for next-to-nothing as it's old , outdated stock ( how long ago did Plus 4 come out ??? ) .
Yes, without any problem. And there is no "T" in "Dexron".

thought so , but looked at abpove posts and they spelled it dextron , thought I was mistaken and changed it

Yes, but this is less optimal.
