B body k frames


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
So I have this k frame for a 67 plymouth belvedere but unfortunately i am not really familiar with b body k frames so does this look like a 66 to 70 b body k frame to you b body guys?

What are the little holes on the bottom for?



Im not sure why the holes are “There” but I had been told there for water to escape. IDK if this is true or not.

Sorry, I can not help on the year of the K frame.
I would guess that these holes are for factory jig alignment.
Pretty sure I've read this. OP you do know, eh? That the factory installed the K with the engine transmission already on the K, on a jig, from the bottom
The B body K members had a pronounced curve along the front edge.

B E K 1.jpg

The A body models were much straighter in the same place.

A K 1.jpg

My guess is that the holes on the bottom served two functions: Jig mounts for alignment during assembly and drainage.
Need a better picture of the idler arm mount... The K is B body, it's earlier than 69.5 as it doesn't have the sway bar passing through the center of the K member.... The idler arm mount changed in 68 to capture the idler top & bottom, 62-67 used a idler that only mounted using a stud so the far side wasn't supported.... 65 & earlier had the engine mounted further forward....