Baby uses parents’ phone to buy Austin Healey on eBay

I call. You know, you know WHAT I call too, LOL

When I was doing E911 work, I used to hear all kinds of interesting "stuff" while working in some dispatch.

"911 what is..........etc"..........and SEVERAL times, a "hang up."

So then I hear, "hello? Hello? Is your Mom or Dad there? Hello, did you call 911? Well, we've just had several hangup calls from your number. That's right. You think WHAT? You think the CAT hit the speed dial? Well, Ma'am, you might want to have a talk with your "cat."
Dad was lookin' at it, that's why it was on his eBay app. Baby "accidentally" buys it for a couple of hundred dollars. Tells the wife it was the baby's fault and they decide to keep it and fix it up for when she turns sixteen. Now they have some fund set up to help pay for the car for his daughter?!? Dude's crazy like a fox!
I'm a closet British car fan too, and this is one of my favorites. Dude stole that Frogeye for $200. Even just as a parts car, that's a hell of a deal. Those things are pretty cheap to restore, too. Well, compared to our Mopars.