Bashing Walmart Again

I've physically been into a Walmart twice in my life

1 Found a security cam I wanted, and Wally was as cheap as I could find, including online, so I bought one

2--When I bought my first Canon DSLR, an Xt/ 350D, I again researched and WalWorld was the cheapest, and their website said the local store had two in stock

I talked to 4? 5? People who left the store, at least one of which had no idea what I even wanted, and another who said "the website is not up to date."

A floor manager saw me dozing my way toward the front door and tried to aske me something, I looked him in the face and said, "thanks to 5 people in your electronics dept, I'll never ever be back to any Walmart store."

I HAVEN'T, either!!
Guess the Walmart stores where I live are just different. I enjoy shopping there because of the pleasant people and good service I receive. Most employees I've dealt with seem to be glad to have a job, or at least they act like it.

The exception that proves the rule.

Holy crap...don't even get me going on my local Wal-Mart. If I walk in there for any reason I usually have to leave within the first five to ten minutes because I'm about to deck someone. And it's usually an employee I'm about to lay out.
I talked with assistant to district manager late yesterday.
Waiting for a call again today. LOL
I like walmart and shop there a lot. If you dont like it go somewhere else. Try kmart or target. Then youll like walmart.
Keep in mind this is the busiest time of the year for retailers. Ever try to manage a department or a business that deals with so much & then all of your departments volume increases 5X suddenly? Add to the fact you have seasonal employees who are learning their positions on the job as they go along. While I realize the lost check is absolute reason for concern, as it would be for me too, it's obviously an accident & a situation that probably never happened before. (the check slipping into the gap in the counter) My wife works for a retail store as a manager(not Wal-mart) & the amount of stress this time of year leaves her almost no time for anything.
So it's not some big store conspiricy thing or scam, The mangement is probably flooded with things to do & may not get back to you as quickly as you or I'd like. Getting lawyers involved at this point is ridiculous! Have some patience & keep an eye on your account & IF the check gets cashed then I'd raise a stink. Contact your bank for advise on whether or not to cancel the check immediately or wait to hear from the manager @ WM 1st. I would be persistant in my follow up, maybe speak calmly to the store manager face to face at the store. I'm sure noone want to see you harmed.
I'm just offering a few ideas & prerspectives to consider before we paint Walmart to be this great evil it's not.

And as far as the link to the previous thread about taking their dog into a department store goes, I don't think I've ever seen anything more asinine posted here on FABO!
Keep in mind this is the busiest time of the year for retailers. Ever try to manage a department or a business that deals with so much & then all of your departments volume increases 5X suddenly? Add to the fact you have seasonal employees who are learning their positions on the job as they go along. While I realize the lost check is absolute reason for concern, as it would be for me too, it's obviously an accident & a situation that probably never happened before. (the check slipping into the gap in the counter) My wife works for a retail store as a manager(not Wal-mart) & amount of stress this time of year leaves her almost no time for anything.
So it's not some big store conspiricy thing or scam, The mangement is probably flooded with things to do & may not get back to you as quickly as you or I'd like. I'm just offering a few ideas & prerspectives to consider before we paint Walmart to be this great evil it's not.

And as far as the link to the previous thread about taking your dog into a department store goes, I don't think I've ever seen anything more asinine posted here on FABO!

Yeah, everyone makes mistakes. My mistake was leaving the store. Wife was with me. We let their people hustle us out the door so they could continue operating that register. No body suggested we take this to the customer service counter, exchange names and such. All we got was a well polished "Get the heck out of the way". Neither wife or myself knows cashiers name, the register number,or even the exact time of day.
The assistant to district manager said, "All that information should be on your receipt". What receipt ?!?!?
Next time this happens I'll call the police and have the cashier cavity searched. I never saw where the check went.

If you can read between the lines you know my phone hasn't rang.
How long will a check play hide and seek ? 4 days.
Store manager just called. While he is explaining that they would need to drill out rivets to go any further apart with the carosel counter, and they just cannot retreive my check... Someone handed the check to him. They did get it out of there somehow :)
Moral of this story, Stay away from the crack
Happy holidays
Walmart Sucks

Yet, in spite of the claims that America wants "made in America" products, we have made Walmart, and it's Chinese merchandise, the largest retailer on the planet.

Go figure. :dontknow:

Sorry to read about your difficulty, Redfish.
where i live in the sticks, walmart is the only full blown one stop shop for miles. im actually grateful theres one out here
Ever since Sam Walton died and his family took over the Wal-Mart/ Sam's operation, it has gone down the toilet. The quality of the merchandise sucks, the store layouts suck, and customer service is damed near nonexsistant. Most of their employees are part-time (less than 30 hrs a week) they have no benefits and are just marking time until something better comes along. I have a distribution center close to me and when I was between jobs. I went and applied for an order pullers job. Their response, "You are way over qualified for the postion". I told the person I gave my application to that I maybe over qualified, but at least I was trying to work. They person with the application got that "Deer in the headlight look". Rant over!!!
I have worked for a big grocery store called Krogers for six years. I have seen a lot of crappy stuff like this happen and the sad thing about it is that managers just blow it off most of the time. That store is making so much money and has so many people coming through that a couple hundred people boycotting their store will not even put a dent in their sales. Its sad but its the facts. I know in Krogers when you get a complaint from a customer its sort of like a slap on the wrist. If this manager got a lot of complaints then something may happen. When it comes to changing something there is serious strength in numbers. Boycott them if you want but the better approach would be to flood them complaints. Or take a dump on their produce bench.