Bass Fishing tips wanted



Mopar Nut
May 22, 2006
Reaction score
Belleville Canada
Fire ban on but Cindy and I are still going camping .The lake we stay at has lots of Bass,pike pickerel.We do shore fishing for bass.The water there is very clear and runs about 25 deep in the deepest area,temp not sure as of now weather very warm this year.So what do you fisherman use,my son loves the plastic worms and swears by it.So feel free to share your secretes,also hoping to do some cat fishing at night.Forgot we are camping in Ontario Canada.
Nothing like a nice calm warm evening, and watching a big bass explode on your HulaPopper. Have a great time, and good luck with your fishing.
The conditions usually dictate how, when and where to catch the fish. I would go for the pickeral (walleye in these parts) if it were me. Cast body baits, jigs, spoons or spinners in the early morning, late evening or at night. Night can be the best times since the fish suspend and hunt for food. Body baits work great at night. If the fishing is slow some sort of bottom rig with a worm or walleye minnows works. Bass pike and walleye will hit all these rigs.

As far as bass goes they seem to hit just about anything and at all times of the day. I prefer live bait but the fake stuff works well at certain times. Spinners, spoons, body baits and worms. Change up your pesentation and bait once in a while until you find what works. Dont be afraid to experiment.

I hope that helps. Me and my buddy went out today and picked up 12 walleye, 3 bass, 10 perch and a bunch of other pan fish. Great day to be out.

Good luck with your fishing.
Went fishing for a few Bass myself.... lol

If you can find a creek or any other water entering the lake
that would be my first go to spot :happy1:
Texas rig a plastic worm or a heavy jig to mimic a Crawl Dead (mud bug) and just bounce it of the bottom slow as you retrieve so you can feel the bottom
If you can find a point sneak up on it like hunting and move around slow and make long casts all around it and let the lure come all the way to the bank
Late evening and early EARLY morning before sun rise I always throw top water baits , buzz paits or a stick jerk bait, hulla popper :toothy8:.
This time of year a slow presentation may be the ticket :-k
Make sure your hands are clean of anything before you touch your bait

ENJOY :cheers::cheers:
Little story from recent trip...
I'm a lazy fisherman, real worm, watch the float, whatever bites is fine. The wife is the active one. Plastic worm, cast and real, cast and real.
Since the local lake level is down about 7 feet we can walk ( stumble over the rocks ) all the way around to the other side of this cove. Along the way we're picking up trash ( our civic duty ) and a few lures that apartently were lost to the rocks by those fishing from boats when the lake was full. One was a blue and silver plastic bait fish with two of the 3 way hooks on it. Dives when reeled, floats when still.
She caught her record large mouth with that thing...


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I live in a subdivision and the rain water run off runs into a small pond on my property. It is very small maybe 100x150 and maybe I mean maybe 6-8 feet deep in the deepest part. Here is one I caught out of it before I went to Iraq last year. I use artificial lures for the bigger stuff but live nightcrawlers for the pan fish.


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I live in a subdivision and the rain water run off runs into a small pond on my property. It is very small maybe 100x150 and maybe I mean maybe 6-8 feet deep in the deepest part. Here is one I caught out of it before I went to Iraq last year. I use artificial lures for the bigger stuff but live nightcrawlers for the pan fish.

nice one.
Little story from recent trip...
I'm a lazy fisherman, real worm, watch the float, whatever bites is fine. The wife is the active one. Plastic worm, cast and real, cast and real.
Since the local lake level is down about 7 feet we can walk ( stumble over the rocks ) all the way around to the other side of this cove. Along the way we're picking up trash ( our civic duty ) and a few lures that apartently were lost to the rocks by those fishing from boats when the lake was full. One was a blue and silver plastic bait fish with two of the 3 way hooks on it. Dives when reeled, floats when still.
She caught her record large mouth with that thing...

Nice Redfish, funny how some gals like to fish more than Man.:-k
If you can find a creek or any other water entering the lake
that would be my first go to spot :happy1:
Texas rig a plastic worm or a heavy jig to mimic a Crawl Dead (mud bug) and just bounce it of the bottom slow as you retrieve so you can feel the bottom
If you can find a point sneak up on it like hunting and move around slow and make long casts all around it and let the lure come all the way to the bank
Late evening and early EARLY morning before sun rise I always throw top water baits , buzz paits or a stick jerk bait, hulla popper :toothy8:.
This time of year a slow presentation may be the ticket :-k
Make sure your hands are clean of anything before you touch your bait

ENJOY :cheers::cheers:
Good tips there Memike.not likely do any morning fishing until:toothy8: the hang over goes away.
The best advice I could give is piss em off.
Bass bite way better out of anger than hunger.

We use 1 oz rattle traps, or baby torpedo's

Intrude on thier territory with something noisy and it pisses em off.

My younger bro is a pro

OH, and let me add that our last name is Bass :)
I don't like to give away my tricks often,but there's a lure(Spinner) I will use every time I go fishing,at least twice a week,it's called a Joe's Fly.It has a gold blade and brown feathers.This S.O.B will catch some fish I tell ya,anything from sunfish to big ole bass.Like me and the guy I fish with say, when the fish are biting IT'S ON!!!
But really just go out have fun.Get a line wet and relax.
Little story from recent trip...
I'm a lazy fisherman, real worm, watch the float, whatever bites is fine. The wife is the active one. Plastic worm, cast and real, cast and real.
Since the local lake level is down about 7 feet we can walk ( stumble over the rocks ) all the way around to the other side of this cove. Along the way we're picking up trash ( our civic duty ) and a few lures that apartently were lost to the rocks by those fishing from boats when the lake was full. One was a blue and silver plastic bait fish with two of the 3 way hooks on it. Dives when reeled, floats when still.
She caught her record large mouth with that thing...

I also do my civic duty.Sometimes thats the best way or free way to get things.After the winter high waters I'll get life jackets ,lures,bobbers and alot of preasure treated wood.It's amazing what people will let go to waste
I like to fish a 10 inch worm. I fish them with no weight so thats why I prefer the larger worm.Need the casting weight. I stick the barb 0f a 3/0 hook in the top of the head and feed about an inch of worm on and then pull the barb thru the side. Then i slide the worm all the way up the shank till it hides the eye and the stick the barb back in the side just enough to hide the barb.. This makes the worm weedless. fish it slow and stop now and then a moment. Usually the bass will suck it up when it stops and you will see your line move. Give it a second to get it in its mouth good and wait for him to start to swim off and when all the slack comes out of the line set the hook.They wont spit it because with no weight it feels natural.Rigging like this you can fish thru the worst crap there is and still give your bait a good presentation. I have taken bass to 9 pounds like this. Still waiting for my ten. Had one probably fourteen pounds once but broke him off when i tried to horse it thru hydrilla and a big gator followed him to the dock. Good luck.
With pickerel (walleye) and smallmouth bass, a major key is get your lure on the bottom. Cast, let it sink, wait a good 10 second minimum, then very gentle feel for any bite, set the hook if you feel something, otherwise very gently jig it back on the bottom. Plastic worms are great, with a split shot 8" up , or use the wacky worm technique. These fish almost never bite a worm while it is being retrieved. If you're in weeds, use a weedless method with the hook tip buried in the worm.

The big thing is your technique with it as described.

Largemouth are more aggressive and will bite a more active presentation.

Good luck.
Yup Texas rigged worm works wonders. I like to use a 5" rubber minnow and twitch it in the water like a dying minnow. To them it looks like easy food and they go wild over it.