batteries!? shortage of lead!???



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
O K i know eveerything we buy just keeps going up, but what the heck is the deal with batteries??? i was at local auto parts store. (O'reilly) they say they don't even offer anything other than 2 yr waranty battery, cheapest one they have is $107!??? claim WallyWorld is the blame for this!??? is lead, plastic. or battery acid becoming RARE!!! anyone have source of good, 5 yr battery that costs under $100???????????????????????????????//
I guess my now dead friend was started out being a toy for the rich and one day they will be again.
The hippies at the EPA were only part of the problem. The children in the Obummer administration also have other motives in driving up the price of lead.
There is no shortage of lead in the US. Maybe in the future but not now. Demand for lead is going down. I think manufacturers realize people have to buy auto batteries and thus are marking them up. Lead batteries are recyclable so they should pass the green wannabes.
The hippies at the EPA were only part of the problem. The children in the Obummer administration also have other motives in driving up the price of lead.

Agreed, but I didn't want to turn this into a political discussion.
Look in your area for a Rural King, if you have one close to you they sell batteries for a cheap price.
I get mine from Budget Batteries for about 60 without a core.
The hippies at the EPA were only part of the problem. The children in the Obummer administration also have other motives in driving up the price of lead.

In the world which I live in, it was during the Bush administration where lead was removed from our Paints and this my friend is just part of that.

And BTW, do you want some cheese with that whine...
IF you had an auto parts store and wanted to gouge people, wouldn't you start with something that people only come in for when they need it.

Yes that lead smelter closure is going to hurt, eventually. Yes, the ammo guys are freaked. Some of it is just corporate economics, plain and simple.
These hybrid cars pushed by the EPA are part of the problem. Never made sense to me how making a car with all those batteries was ever going to be good for the environment. So now the EPA wants to take the lead out I guess. Great just great!
In the world which I live in, it was during the Bush administration where lead was removed from our Paints and this my friend is just part of that.

And BTW, do you want some cheese with that whine...

Those who claim to be free thinkers rarely are....
Lead isn't really needed in paint. Titanium pigments are much better, even though almost all titanium comes from the former Soviet Union.

Some may think that's great, others may not.

By the way, Lead paint was banned in 1978 under Carter.

Check your facts....
Not good peoples...we need to be able to melt and remanufacture our own lead for many reasons,so our lead scrap will be sold off to a foreign country to make batteries and such in which we know the quality will be **** and pay 3 times what we are paying now for a $75 battery will cost us over $250, the reloaders will really go underground now...when we cant make everything we need and use we become dependent on other countries for inferior products and inflated costs and are at their mercy, over some dumbass politicians and powers that be selling us out,this green thing and epa and the govt always policing everything is eroding and infringing our ways of life and freedoms and independence all in the name of environmental and green BS and national security...a little at a time til we cannot do anything about's the same thing been going on with all our other resources,metals etc...
These hybrid cars pushed by the EPA are part of the problem. Never made sense to me how making a car with all those batteries was ever going to be good for the environment. So now the EPA wants to take the lead out I guess. Great just great!

Those Liithium ion batteries in tree-hugger hybrids are vastly more toxic than a lead acid battery. The USA also has limitedl Lithium reserves. we have a fair amount of Lead.

Why would anyone want to drive around in a car with 1000-1200 pounds of toxic batteries?
To the die hard Hybrid lover, it doesn't matter that the "environmental impact" of their beloved Prius is more harmful than my 1971 Demon, they buy into the false promise of saving the planet. As with everything else in today's economy, prices are skyrocketing. There are a few reasons, but I'm not going to delve into that discussion outside of the N&P forum...

There is very little lithium carbonate in the US. Most of it comes from China and South America. It is the primary component in lithium batteries. Lithium is non toxic and used as a mood-stabilizing drug in the treatment of bipolar disorder.

I was invested in a Lithium battery company (A123 Systems) until Obama killed it by trying to make them into a car battery manufacturer. The Fisker Karma was their first car but they botched the order and went bankrupt. A123 made batteries for power tools and were coming out with a 12V starter battery that weighed around 18lbs. Now a Chinese company owns part of them and the rest was sold to Johnson Controls.
Check your facts. Lithium is extremely toxic. Lithium carbonate can be a very dangerous drug, and Lithium carbonate is not what is in a Lithium ion battery.
a lot of the lead coming from that plant went to making bullets also and some think thats the reason it was closed to make owning a weapon too expensive for the over in England where only the rich own shot guns for quail hunting .
i bought two batteries, one is big group 27 (?) used in duster now 3 yrs still strong, the sticker says made in phillipines. cosy $60 then. bought a smaller group (24?) last june, it sat on shelf till i put the slant in the 65 dart last oct. it will turn the motor over 5-6 times goes dead. takes about 5 amp and charges back up. got to remember to take it back next trip to city. 80 mi trip so i don't go often. LOL these are generic no name batteries.
lots of hunters around here. they go nuts huntin ammo!!!!!
im 66 yrs old and seen alot, not a pesimist , but i have to just wonder where all this insanity will end!???? it scares me and i'm fearless!!???? LOL