Be careful out there!

Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver BC
Now we've changed the clocks, there's greater car/pedestrian interaction during darkness and we are all at much greater risk to be hit while walking until the clocks change again. Be aware you can see a car with its headlights on far sooner than the driver can see you. Don't jaywalk. If you're walking near roads with anything less than full lighting, wear at least one reflector. Even just a simple hang-tag is better than nothing; stripes along your elbows and knees are best.
Good thought Dan, and let's not forget all the Deer and animals out crossing the roads at this time, I bet there was two or three members here last year doing bad damage to there cars because of this time change. Yes folks be careful and watch your self in dark parking lot's, park in lit area and hopefully with a co-worker with you.
A public safety anounsement by slantsixdan :cheers:
I worry more about the idiot drivers, those are the big danger on the roads. I can't believe how many folks don't see things till the last few seconds.
Good call Dan. Just last night driving home I almost didn't see a guy in dark clothes crossing the entrance to my complex as I was about to turn in. Hitting a pedestrian is my worst fear. My Grandpa struck and killed a man on Thanksgiving eve back in the 1940's, even though he was not charged I know it haunted him the rest of his life.
I've always thought that a nationwide retailer like Walmart should put some form of reflective in the logo pronted on their carry out bags. If there was enough free reflective material available there wouldn't be a good excuse for not having/using.
And about the time change... I say change it 30 minutes and leave it alone.
Vote for me LOL
Those rutting, horny Bucks, are sniffin all over every backroad up here. And they are BIG this year. I'm glad the clocks are back, these 275lb dudes are invisible in the early morning. Our nieghbors who walk at night, all wear orange vests to protect from the idiots downtown who fly down our rural roads.

Good thread Dan
hopefully i wont be walking around in the street anytime soon lol

Yeah but if it does breakdown, don't be like some jerks and think the whole world should stop for U.

Seen yesterday on a 3 lane road some pickup pulling a trailer and a car behind it just stop blocking 1 1/2 lanes, maybe they bump ? I seen no damage but. People were outside yakking away---would it had been that much trouble to drive down the road a bit and pull in to a parking lot?

Its almost like some folks deserve to get hit.