Begin....and end...your life in only 14 years......



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Fine lookin 14 year old brutally murdered his Dad and younger brother "who he hated" here in Coeur d Alene. Evidently Dad was out of work and they had just come here from CA.

Shot his Dad several times with a .45, shot his brother several times with a shotgun, and then got a machete. He seemed to like violent video games. Well, he'll have all the time in the world to play them, now.


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Sad and bad news everywhere.... and this is very sad. To temporarily catch our breath, many escape the bad news and turn to sites like FABO for a "breath of fresh air" and enjoy a wonderful hobby..... only to find the sad news (not car related) continues to make thread after thread....
I thought this post was going to be about a 14 year old who lost their battle with cancer or something like that.

We need much better treatment for the mentally ill in this country. A lot of other problems we are spending money on would be taken care of if the mentally ill would be given the treatment then need. IMO
The violent mentally ill need to be locked in a rubber room like they were when I was a kid, away from the normal people so they can't harm and kill us.
Now, I'm not talking about someone who is retarded, I'm talking about the likes of the guy pictured above, or an Adam Lanza type.
You can't give them a bottle of pills and let them loose on the doesn't work. Thank (mostly) the left for trying to "fix" these animals instead of locking them away all in the name of fairness.
Flame away if you must, but that is how I feel.

Prayers for those effected by this tragedy.
The violent mentally ill need to be locked in a rubber room like they were when I was a kid, away from the normal people so they can't harm and kill us.
Now, I'm not talking about someone who is retarded, I'm talking about the likes of the guy pictured above, or an Adam Lanza type.
You can't give them a bottle of pills and let them loose on the doesn't work. Thank (mostly) the left for trying to "fix" these animals instead of locking them away all in the name of fairness.
Flame away if you must, but that is how I feel.

Prayers for those effected by this tragedy.
I agree..let them flame..
makes you wonder how some of these kids are raised these days. If I even thought about talking back I got my *** kicked, forget about causing bodily harm ! I think society has been to "soft" on kids and parents are afraid to discipline. Earlier this week a 15yr old boy stabbed his mother to death while she was on the phone calling 911, damn crazy .....
makes you wonder how some of these kids are raised these days. If I even thought about talking back I got my *** kicked, forget about causing bodily harm ! I think society has been to "soft" on kids and parents are afraid to discipline. Earlier this week a 15yr old boy stabbed his mother to death while she was on the phone calling 911, damn crazy .....

Time outs vs. *** whoopins.

If parents gave *** whoopins now, they can end up in jail for "child abuse".

How many stories do you hear about from "old timers" that end "my dad gave me an *** whoopin so bad that I couldn't sit for a week. I NEVER did that again..."

Now days, the kids think, "I'll just get a 10 minute time out... I can take it... No big deal..."
Yep, an ex girlfriend of mine used to put her son in time out in his room for 30 minutes where he had his video games, cell phone, tv, etc. I remember being put in my room when I stepped out of line. My parents had me doing a ton of homework, plenty of chores, no outside play privileges, no phone, bicycle, tv, and no allowance. My parents called it grounded for three weeks. If I screwed up real bad my stepfather would break out the leather cat o nine tails on me and that hurt like hell for hours after.
How many stories do you hear about from "old timers" that end "my dad gave me an *** whoopin so bad that I couldn't sit for a week. I NEVER did that again..."

there were still murderers and criminals then too. some people just have a few screws loose. just the way it is. there a lot more people these days and a lot more news outlets so you hear more about it.