Best Fabo Members


dartin jack

Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
Eastern Ontario
I would like to tell you all that fabo is were the best of people are,I have been given a great surprise by a fellow member 5.7bob that has been the best present ever he was nice enough to send a steering wheel to me for free and the postage was done by him with out asking for payment now thats a great fabo member so my hats off to all the great members here and I hope I will be able to be as good a member in the future! ps Im sending the postage to him so that I to will be a good member thanks again to 5.7bob and all the great fabo members dartin jack
This is a great place. With a great bunch of people. I haven't had any bad
dealings with anyone. I'll give everyone a :thumblef: and a big:hello1:
Thumbs up on this good news thread!

Ma Snart


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This place is full of great people! When you get to meet fellow members face to face, you realize it even more. I Went to Moparfest this year and got to meet lots of fellow members there. We had a blast! What a great bunch of guys!!
I am finding out there are great people on this site.
I deal with people everyday (insurance work) 35% to 40% are
miserable and not understanding(its not a brain tumor).
I have been a late poster kind of guy, but now I know.
Would like to give back to the younger people here.
Thank you for the new post and this site is very calming.
Enjoy working on car then back on the lap top.