Bi-lingual help, fast please



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Anyone out there tell me how to write this in spanish?

Attention clean up crew
Do not remove anything that has blue tape on it, per Broker

Thanks, Jim
La atención limpia la tripulación no quita nada que tiene cinta azul en ello, por Corredor

Google worked hard on this one!

Attention clean up crew
Do not remove anything that has blue tape on it, per Broker

is this in Spanish.....

Atención limpiar tripulación no eliminar cualquier cosa que tiene azul cinta sobre ella, por Broker
This one is written out better though...

La atención limpia la tripulación, No quite nada que tiene cinta azul en ello, Corredor

Are your answers in 'book' Spanish or spoken Spanish ??

This is what a co-worked said to me....

Atencion personal de limpieza-
Por favor no muevan nada que tenga cinta azul por Corredor.

She was born and raised in LA.
You guys rock!

I can't figure out which one is better or not, but ya'll got the job done. NICE!
Very nice. Thanks everyone for the rapid response. I'll keep that link.
Post this MV.

Alguien que toca la cinta azul será considerado a un emigrante ilegal y deportado.
Put this up there:

"Su madre es un perro."
i know how everyone would say it around here

"no-o remove-o stuff-o with tape-o". you have to yell it real loud for some reason, appariently it makes people understand differant languages when you yell.
I flunked spanish. I guess the answer "el grasso es greeno" was wrong.