Blonde girl.........



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
Reaction score
West Hempstead
Blonds girl goes to her local dry cleaners with her favorite blue dress, which has a stain on it.
She shows it to the girl behind the counter and asks her if she can take care of it...
"No probwem," the girl replies, "It'll be ready Thursday.... ten dollar."
The blonde girl nods, and starts walking out....
The girl behind the counter waves, and says, "Come again".
The blonde girl spins around, and responds, "no it is tartar sauce this time, if you must know,
you nosey b*tch!!!!"
Blonds girl goes to her local dry cleaners with her favorite blue dress, which has a stain on it.
She shows it to the girl behind the counter and asks her if she can take care of it...
"No probwem," the girl replies, "It'll be ready Thursday.... ten dollar."
The blonde girl nods, and starts walking out....
The girl behind the counter waves, and says, "Come again".
The blonde girl spins around, and responds, "no it is tartar sauce this time, if you must know,
you nosey b*tch!!!!"
Are we talking about Monica again?
Blonds girl goes to her local dry cleaners with her favorite blue dress, which has a stain on it.
She shows it to the girl behind the counter and asks her if she can take care of it...
"No probwem," the girl replies, "It'll be ready Thursday.... ten dollar."
The blonde girl nods, and starts walking out....
The girl behind the counter waves, and says, "Come again".
The blonde girl spins around, and responds, "no it is tartar sauce this time, if you must know,
you nosey b*tch!!!!"
Lol, that's a good one. Any of you seen this YouTube video. The ultimate blonde joke.
I thought Obama was good but I'm on the outside looking in. Don't know what it's like till you live it.
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...but they still have money in the bank because there's still blank checks in the checkbook!
I thought Obama was good but I'm on the outside looking in. Don't know what it's like till you live it.
and if you were an outsider, he was great for you
especially if you were a amoral outside who hates america
A man hired a blonde girl yesterday -- and said that he had two chores for her -- 1) to clean the garage & 2) to paint the porch.....
After the blonde girl got done, she was to come see him -- and she would get paid for her work.....
Two hours later, she came to see him to get paid....
"Great," he said, "Did you complete both tasks?" "Yes," she replied.....
He went into his pocket to pay her -- and she added, "One thing, the car was not a porch, it was a Ferrari".....................................
If nobody can be that stupid, then how do you explain our previous president?
EVEN WORSE , Look up the national debt and see who raised it the most . Then research what he did w/ it ! How much $ was given to the muslim brotherhood ? Yeah, the same bunch that shoots rockets at Israel ! How much for clean energy research to his buddies companies, that supposedly went under shortly after receiveing the $, How much did he give for the study of cow farts on global warming!?! It goes on and on ! I don`t care for trump either, (his mouth mostly) but do agree w/ most of what he`s trying to do.
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Blonds girl goes to her local dry cleaners with her favorite blue dress, which has a stain on it.
She shows it to the girl behind the counter and asks her if she can take care of it...
"No probwem," the girl replies, "It'll be ready Thursday.... ten dollar."
The blonde girl nods, and starts walking out....
The girl behind the counter waves, and says, "Come again".
The blonde girl spins around, and responds, "no it is tartar sauce this time, if you must know,
you nosey b*tch!!!!"

There is definitely a smells like fish joke in this somewhere.
I thought Obama was good but I'm on the outside looking in. Don't know what it's like till you live it.
Good at driving the national debt up higher than "all" the previous presidents combined. Good at giving 1.9 billion a year to the muslim brother hood, the same ones that shoot rockets into Isreal and hide in civilian apartments . It went on and on and on. Tell somebody else how great he was !!!!
Good at driving the national debt up higher than "all" the previous presidents combined. Good at giving 1.9 billion a year to the muslim brother hood, the same ones that shoot rockets into Isreal and hide in civilian apartments . It went on and on and on. Tell somebody else how great he was !!!!
Being Canadian we didn't hear about those things. The news usually only shows you the good stuff.
Whether you like it or not, the President does not decide the national debt, the congress does. So if you want to blame somebody blame the party in power for raising the national debt, not the president. Don't believe me?, spend some time researching the money trail.