Blueprints of S.B. heads or valve covers?



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
Torrington, CT
Going to make my own valve covers. (or try to). Are there prints/drawings of the small block LA valve cover gasket shape/size and bolt pattern someplace? I'm sure I can figure it out, but if this info already exists....

Going to make my own valve covers. (or try to). Are there prints/drawings of the small block LA valve cover gasket shape/size and bolt pattern someplace? I'm sure I can figure it out, but if this info already exists....

Me personally I would think about starting with cutting up a set of stock ones and building from there.
Going to make my own valve covers. (or try to). Are there prints/drawings of the small block LA valve cover gasket shape/size and bolt pattern someplace? I'm sure I can figure it out, but if this info already exists....


If you have a head just make a template. Just a thought.
Need hard dimensions to make a CAD model (3D printing either a pattern for casting, or possibly directly 3D printing the covers in a carbon/composite). I can measure, but like I said if it's already been done it would be easier.
Can you scan or trace a valve cover gasket?
Thanks for the suggestions, but...
I do not have that kind of scanner (called a blue-light scanner or white-light scanner). Hardly anyone does. Well, except the Chinese do have plenty of them... that's how they copy our stuff! I cannot make a CAD model without a 3D scanned model, or the data from a blueprint. I can manually measure an existing valve cover, it just isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Fortunately I work in a machine shop that employs some very good layout inspectors that are willing to help.
Thanks for the suggestions, but...
I do not have that kind of scanner (called a blue-light scanner or white-light scanner). Hardly anyone does. Well, except the Chinese do have plenty of them... that's how they copy our stuff! I cannot make a CAD model without a 3D scanned model, or the data from a blueprint. I can manually measure an existing valve cover, it just isn't the easiest thing in the world to do. Fortunately I work in a machine shop that employs some very good layout inspectors that are willing to help.
Yep, not as easy as it looks.
Not sure if this will help, but in CT there is a club that has 3d printers/scanners/lazer cutters ect. It cost about $50/mo to join and you can use the equipment. Maybe there is something like that around your neck of the woods that could scan a cover.
you could scan 1/2 of a valve cover gasket and mirror image duplicate it in a flatbed. I Drafting/CAD was my minor in college.