Body shop bliss



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
I love to see a quality job. These guys did up my Lexus nice. This bumper was in pretty sad shape paint wise and it had a ripple in it. You know those elastomeric bumpers never look good after the first love tap, clear coat crazing and they installed a new bumper cover and reshot it. Wow, it came out nicer than the rest of the car now. So ill give it a week and wash and wax the rest of it. I even persuaded them to give me a shot of the paint in a bottle so I could hit a few spots myself. What do you expect for a insurance grand? I guess thats sort of like a $7 insurance aspirin....
Damn,that's REALLY nice...Still amazing,what this work costs,nowadays..?
Looks nice. I do my own work, but what I find amazing is what quality materials cost these days.
So, for those of us in SoCal, who are "these guys"? Would you have them paint your Mopar? Or do they only do insurance work?
Its "Tustin Body Works" a shop down off Redhill by the LTA base in Tustin. They are the Mercury insurance go-to guys and thats who I ensure with. This cost $1350 (0 out of my pocket) but the 'labor paint' was only 4.4 "Units" at $40.00/hr! The replacement bumper cover was $714 bare. I dont know if they would paint a car for $40/hr. The paint was OEM, $102 itself.