Boston Marathon Bomber..



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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Has been sentenced to DEATH,,there is justice in this world:cheers::cheers::cheers:
if anyone deserves the death penalty it would be this jerk.

I understand NOT having a death penalty when circumstantial evidence convicts someone, but this dude is no doubt guilty!!! they should have spent a few more hundred projectiles ( bazooko maybe!!??) into that boat!
No doubt while sitting and rotting for years. He will become a cause celebrity, find Jesus, write a book or two, and do a few other worthwhile things. Insert sarcastic face here.
They should pull ISIS on him. Put him in a cage and set him on fire.

He should have never had a trial to begin with. He's already cost taxpayers more than he's worth.
Unless he's in PC, he's toast. He killed a kid and that doesn't sit well with the residents...
They caught that bag of **** about 1/2 mile from my house..that day still hurts when people bring it up..
Personally... I think the death penalty is justified.

But in reality, carrying out the death penalty will no doubt make him a martyr.

Instead of him getting 40 virgins for being a martyr......I think he needs to be 40 "somebody else's" virgin 40 times in prison.
They should pull ISIS on him. Put him in a cage and set him on fire.

He should have never had a trial to begin with. He's already cost taxpayers more than he's worth.

They best answer of all. Light him on fire in a cage on national evening television.
Slap on the concrete galoshes and drop him in the drink next to his buddy Bin.
...and 20 year s of appeals, and a cost of millions... :roll:
Didn't they march Timothy McVeigh abruptly to the front of the line for his shenanigans? I don't recall, but I thought he was in the express lane.
Didn't they march Timothy McVeigh abruptly to the front of the line for his shenanigans? I don't recall, but I thought he was in the express lane.
I believe you are correct. Much less time than Gacy, for sure.
set his azz on a pressure cooker bomb.....

No string him up like a pinata and let the victims and family of victims get some whacks in...

Quick death is too good for him, slow and painful wins the race here....

This "humane punishment" is a bunch of crap. The law should be that they die in the same manner as their victims, no matter how much pain they will be in. Then maybe they will think twice before killing... :banghead:

I like some of George's suggestions...

Personally... I think the death penalty is justified.

But in reality, carrying out the death penalty will no doubt make him a martyr.

Instead of him getting 40 virgins for being a martyr......I think he needs to be 40 "somebody else's" virgin 40 times in prison.

Nobody said that the virgins had to be FEMALE.... :D
Every night he is in jail, let him sleep next to a pressure cooker bomb. Every single night. And let him know that within 365 days, it is going to go off. Then let the families of the victims and those that were injured have a vote for his little send off.
You know what might really disgust them all? Let all terrorists know that whatever is left of their dead bodies will be fed to pigs. They hate pigs. I think that is their fundamental flaw. How can you hate bacon?