Brake Booster Options



Sep 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'll be heading up to Engler's junk yard in NE Pennsylvania on Friday and want to pick up a power brake booster for my 69. I'll be converting the drums to disc this summer and decided to go with power brakes.
Question, what other later model Mopars an I use a booster from?
I have been searching for a week trying to find the Cardone 50-6206 and Centric 160.80232 brake boosters new, but nobody has them anymore. I'm trying to upgrade a 71 Dart with manual brakes, so would also be very interested in what fits. Another thread has someone using the booster and mc from a 95 Plymouth Breeze.

Tommy J.
Should fit. I used a booster from a 74 Dart on my 65. Actually, I used just the stand-off brackets since I didn't want the rusty and heavy MC, so installed a booster and MC from a 95 Breeze, but of course the 74's would have worked on its own bracket. But rather than fool with old parts, you can get a booster w/ MC for ~$170 on ebay. They use an after-market GM-type booster with an adapter for the Mopar pedal, plus stand-off brackets and lever. Several posts w/ photos here if you search.