Bumpers.......What to do


Nite Moves

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
I have been looking at my front and rear bumpers and realize the fact they need rechroming. My 67 Dart needs alot of more important things than this. My question is .........Thinking of painting them to match the car.Will this ruin them for rechroming way down the road? Is it a good idea to paint them? Whats the best way to get the paint to stick to the chrome..........??????????? BTW im asking because i know i will get some great responses here.
IMO The amount of prep to do either paint or chrome are the same. When taking in the cost of paint; it may be just a little more to chrome them. Also with chroming the shop may prep them.

Will it ruin them to paint and then later chrome; I think not. Later will need sanding or blasting to remove the paint for re chroming.

In order to get paint to stick to the chrome- it is best to remove the chrome, blasting or sanding would work. I know people that have sanded their chrome (on motorcycles) and then painted them and it sticks.
You'll need to scuff the chrome to give it a tooth so the paint will stick. They would be stripped for re-chrome anyway. Paint will prevent further rusting too. Paint them.
Painting the chrome is no big deal. Just scuff it up and then coat them with self etching primer. After that it is paint as normal. The important part is the self etching primer. I would use a high build primer after the etching primer myself.

Thanks alot guys. Im limited to what i can do and i thought painting them or at least priming them up would be something i can do to cut costs.........As usual great help.............Thanks EDD
I've done these before too...the ones I have done were a little rough so I used 80 grit on a DA sander. I agree with Coyote Jack, self etching primer first then a high build urathane primer is the key. Sand slick and paint, nothing to it.