California Getting Slammed !!!!

Sitting here trying to decide if I want to head over to Glendale. Pretty much not taking the car but I could do the swap
Sitting here trying to decide if I want to head over to Glendale. Pretty much not taking the car but I could do the swap

Was going to go but decided I didn't want to play in the rain:). Was kinda looking forward to it but will just work on the Dart instead which is probably more important. I have been slacking to much this last year..Need to get it done or take a loss and just sell it.
I mean is it really that bad out there? I live in Jersey, So I cant see anything. I didnt write the article, but it wouldnt shock me if he was connected to it in a negative way, like 80% of the stories on MSN homepage.
Typical La Nina year, lots of rain, happened last time during La Nina too. ALl the people that ***** and moan during "droughts" are sheep! Im in San Diego btw.
Why is the weather a political issue? People are having such a hard time we should be trying to help in some way.
Why is the weather a political issue? People are having such a hard time we should be trying to help in some way.
without turning this into a political debate, I do want to point out that just a few weeks ago, there were millions of Californians signing petitions and marching, trying to promote leaving the United States of America because of the election of a certain individual. So perhaps this is a taste of what not getting help from the rest of the country would help people get over that separate country non-sense.

That said, most Californians I know, including members on this forum, are genuine good people that I'd gladly help out if I could.
without turning this into a political debate, I do want to point out that just a few weeks ago, there were millions of Californians signing petitions and marching, trying to promote leaving the United States of America because of the election of a certain individual. So perhaps this is a taste of what not getting help from the rest of the country would help people get over that separate country non-sense.

That said, most Californians I know, including members on this forum, are genuine good people that I'd gladly help out if I could.
So your saying they deserve it?
So your saying they deserve it?
Absolutely not. I've been thru a massive flood back in 2008. I don't wish that on anyone.

I'm saying I'm guessing that's where the political question you had from the other poster is coming from.
Absolutely not. I've been thru a massive flood back in 2008. I don't wish that on anyone.

I'm saying I'm guessing that's where the political question you had from the other poster is coming from.
Absolutely not. I've been thru a massive flood back in 2008. I don't wish that on anyone.

I'm saying I'm guessing that's where the political question you had from the other poster is coming from.
Ok,were cool.
I remember when my grandparents house was flooded they lost everything. They had no insurance and they never really recovered from it.
We're getting the sloppy seconds from the no-cal storms down here. 6 inches of rain in long beach over 24 hours, that's a like the last 4 years combined. And to put the icing on the cake, we are still in emergency water restrictions, the city council failing to lift this ridiculous measure. We got water flowing OUT of sewers! Hey Moonbeam, pull your head out of your green *** and start repairing infrastructure here!

Ok,were cool.
I remember when my grandparents house was flooded they lost everything. They had no insurance and they never really recovered from it.
That's what happened here, the Levies broke and areas that had never flooded in history flooded from the rapid release, thus no flood insurance
We're getting the sloppy seconds from the no-cal storms down here. 6 inches of rain in long beach over 24 hours, that's a like the last 4 years combined. And to put the icing on the cake, we are still in emergency water restrictions, the city council failing to lift this ridiculous measure. We got water flowing OUT of sewers! Hey Moonbeam, pull your head out of your green *** and start repairing infrastructure here! View attachment 1715020005
I mean is it really that bad out there? I live in Jersey, So I cant see anything. I didnt write the article, but it wouldnt shock me if he was connected to it in a negative way, like 80% of the stories on MSN homepage.
The media likes a disaster, a scandal and an election.
The troubles with the Oroville dam are blown out of proportion. Aerial photos of the lake in drought years shows that both the gated spillway and the lower spillway actually only sit between 20 to 40 feet below ground on the lake side. There is only a fraction of the pressure against it as compared to the dam itself.
We are coming off of several years of below average rainfall. The news reports have been saying for years that even when the drought ends, it may/will take years to replenish the lakes, the rivers, the groundwater. Well, Since the rain started falling heavy in early January, we went from drought to flood conditions. The media cannot be trusted for accurate information. They thrive on hysteria and ratings. They think nobody will tune in to hear a weather expert say that we will be fine.
Here in Sacramento, we were at 200% normal rainfall for the year to date, this was a report I read a week ago.
There are areas in this state that always seem to flood when we get more than an inch of rain in one day. The problem is, we have had several storms like that, plus some days with 3" of rain in a 24 hour period. Also, there have been very few breaks to allow us to dry out. The soil is soaked. There is no place for the water to seep in.
We will be fine. No need for FEMA or the Red Cross.
So your saying they deserve it?
Oddly enough, the people most at risk in Oroville are NOT the ones protesting! Butte county is RED, like most of California. The Bay area, Los Angeles and parts of Sacramento are predominantly Blue/Democrat.
Our mayor here in L.A. (not my mayor) told us our underground Aquifers are bone dry. This is just false, it's not fake news, it's just a lie to promote an agenda of forced conservation. Trouble with that is when we save water and power down here ( we did, 15% across the board) , the utilities pitch a fit that their revenues are dropping and ask for AND GET to increase our rates to keep their profits in line. It's absolute criminality as the utilities give the LA city council 250 million dollars a year for "projects" and they use that bribe to keep their rates profitable. If the city council does not approve their rate hikes, they may not get that quarter billion dollar kickback. Sickening.......
Our mayor here in L.A. (not my mayor) told us our underground Aquifers are bone dry. This is just false, it's not fake news, it's just a lie to promote an agenda of forced conservation. Trouble with that is when we save water and power down here ( we did, 15% across the board) , the utilities pitch a fit that their revenues are dropping and ask for AND GET to increase our rates to keep their profits in line. It's absolute criminality as the utilities give the LA city council 250 million dollars a year for "projects" and they use that bribe to keep their rates profitable. If the city council does not approve their rate hikes, they may not get that quarter billion dollar kickback. Sickening.......

Just curious- How do you know status of your underground aquifers? Do you know of a good (reliable) source of information on that?
Our mayor here in L.A. (not my mayor) told us our underground Aquifers are bone dry. This is just false, it's not fake news, it's just a lie to promote an agenda of forced conservation. Trouble with that is when we save water and power down here ( we did, 15% across the board) , the utilities pitch a fit that their revenues are dropping and ask for AND GET to increase our rates to keep their profits in line. It's absolute criminality as the utilities give the LA city council 250 million dollars a year for "projects" and they use that bribe to keep their rates profitable. If the city council does not approve their rate hikes, they may not get that quarter billion dollar kickback. Sickening.......
Yeah Usage goes down and rates go up. Same with the Gas Leak at Porter Ranch
Just curious- How do you know status of your underground aquifers? Do you know of a good (reliable) source of information on that?
Orange County Water District (OCWD) | OCWD
And this data is prior to buckets of rain we got in the last 3 weeks. Bone Dry my ***!
sure we were hurting in 2014, but we are as wet as we were 5 years ago and it only took So. Cal a month and a half to all but reverse 5 years of dry conditions.
261 California drought maps show deep drought and current recovery