canada customs

I just came though the border yesterday with a transmission for the Demon. The border agent in the booth was a young female, nice looking to. After I declared the tranny she wanted to know what it was for. I told her and she got very interested in the car. Asked if I had any pictures, I didn't, but I told her were she could find some on the net. She was very pleasant. The guy inside was a real dick though. I ended up paying the required amount and was on my way. I think it just depends on the guard you get. I have had very nice people and some real idiots, just like everywhere else in life.

To be honest your package is prolly not sitting at CBSA customs. 99% of the time it's sitting in a Postal warehouse waiting for enough mail to go your way so they can fill one truck. Thats why ground shipping sucks.

I'm glad I really don't know alot of you personally, as I'd be conflicted on what to do when I see you since you've admitted to smuggling over 13% in taxes. Is your life, job and shame not worth more than 13% taxes and a fine or even jail time? Seriously?

Here's a tip for you. Remember your exemptions, at 24 hours across you get $50 or less. If spend over $50 you have to pay taxes on the full amount.

At 48 hours you get a $400 exemption plus you can bring back a bottle of alcohol or a case of beer and a carton of cigerettes.

At 7 days or more you can bring back $750 worth of goods plus a bottle/case and a carton.

*** More info:

I do what 340swinger does. I have my packages shipping to a US destination and I go over and pick them up and pay my taxes on the way back. Remember not all officer's are bad guys, some might even let you go with what you declare.


..........Hey Riddler, can u check on stuff that has not been sent from customs............i tell u ive heard it all, its not here, the guy thats doing it is off or on holidays , it hasnt ever got there, even thou its been tracked 2 customs.......whats up with that..............ive stopped short of calling them crooks or thieves......ive been told the stuff is there, doesnt show up , call again, vanished into thin air.............and yes i am pissed, i dont like getting f ed
I cross the Michigan/Windsor border often ... for the past 20+ years ... NO BS ,, if you are nice/honest and stare them in the face when talking to them and have necessary documentation ready ,99.9% they just let you through .... when bringing parts across . OH and use Sir when answering questions... ONLY answere questions that are asked , do not give more info than what is asked ....Respect goes ALONG way with them ... Remember if you cross often ... they have your liscence plate ....
Also a friendly hint if you buy anything on ebay make sure you don't "doctor up the bill" they will check online the price from the ebay auction # to make sure your truthful.
friend of mine crossed the border with a 69 camaro that he had bought from the states for 16 large...upon crossing the guards refused to acknowledge his bill of sale and what he payed for it, and instead charged him taxes on what it was "supposed" to be worth, 32 grand...hes not even a younger dude either, well to do middle aged man not suspicious at all and super friendly too...proof that being a nice guy at the border gets you no where since its all up to them
To be honest your package is prolly not sitting at CBSA customs. 99% of the time it's sitting in a Postal warehouse waiting for enough mail to go your way so they can fill one truck. Thats why ground shipping sucks.

I'm glad I really don't know alot of you personally, as I'd be conflicted on what to do when I see you since you've admitted to smuggling over 13% in taxes. Is your life, job and shame not worth more than 13% taxes and a fine or even jail time? Seriously?

Here's a tip for you. Remember your exemptions, at 24 hours across you get $50 or less. If spend over $50 you have to pay taxes on the full amount.

At 48 hours you get a $400 exemption plus you can bring back a bottle of alcohol or a case of beer and a carton of cigerettes.

At 7 days or more you can bring back $750 worth of goods plus a bottle/case and a carton.

*** More info:

I do what 340swinger does. I have my packages shipping to a US destination and I go over and pick them up and pay my taxes on the way back. Remember not all officer's are bad guys, some might even let you go with what you declare.


What a coincidence talking about honor and Integrity , First off I agree there are some good folks working the border on our side but there are also some real Douches case in point I returned to Canada after 12 years and stayed in Windsor during the Direct TV reprogramming day's ,I made several trips to central MI for Sony sat packages one time we had 11 in the bed of the truck in the open and 2 on the seat between us when asked at the border we honestly told the gal we were bringing back a few sat dish's she waved us through no duty , then a month later my then wife had 4 more new packs for the guy who conducted your annual performance review {#2 at CBS in Windsor at the time I believe, now retired }and his brother a senior guy at CSIS my wife got a bad vibe and refused to bring them over the bridge and made the brother meet her on the US side to get them sure enough she got tore apart at the border the first and only time a CBS officer gave her anything but a smile and a wave , coincidently the next week I got jerked over going the other way with a load of cabinets what a couple of douche bags those 2 were ,screwing with my wife and I all the while smuggling cuban's with the US customs guy's and that lebanese POS across the street on University ave
I cross the Michigan/Windsor border often ... for the past 20+ years ... NO BS ,, if you are nice/honest and stare them in the face when talking to them and have necessary documentation ready ,99.9% they just let you through .... when bringing parts across . OH and use Sir when answering questions... ONLY answere questions that are asked , do not give more info than what is asked ....Respect goes ALONG way with them ... Remember if you cross often ... they have your liscence plate ....

If you cross in Detroit they have your plate and know who you are before you reach the booth on the other side even if it's the first time
friend of mine crossed the border with a 69 camaro that he had bought from the states for 16 large...upon crossing the guards refused to acknowledge his bill of sale and what he payed for it, and instead charged him taxes on what it was "supposed" to be worth, 32 grand...hes not even a younger dude either, well to do middle aged man not suspicious at all and super friendly too...proof that being a nice guy at the border gets you no where since its all up to them

I have seen it the other way to. A guy I know bought a car off of Ebay and picked it up in Carlisle and brought it back. He showed a receipt for about 1/3 of the actual price. The customs officer he had to talk to was a car guy and remembered seeing the car on Ebay. He looked it up and saw the real winning bid. They nailed the guy to a cross. He deserved it though, he is a weasel.

...........When i was down last july for 10 days i never got the $750.00 exemption, i payed taxes on the whole $1000.00, and yes the cbsa dude was a
...........When i was down last july for 10 days i never got the $750.00 exemption, i payed taxes on the whole $1000.00, and yes the cbsa dude was a

Should of gotten your exemption. With cross border trade it's really in your best interest to know your exemptions. Just ask politey if you've been given your exemption. If he asks what that is, either he's retarded or he's new.

Then ask for his supervisor.

No kidding ask for his super. Just because he was a dick and felt like punishing you doesnt mean you have to accept it.I would go back to the border xing with the reciepts and tell your story. You may get your money back!
............With it being that long ago, i doubt they would even listen or even want to hear about it....he asked if we had anything to declare...yes we do...he asked there value...i told him...he looked at the bill....I did ask about the exemption, he never realy gave me an answer...he was pissed that i never had a bill from a business, just a hand written bill from a privite citizen..............then he wanted to know how i found the parts, i told him ...on the net, he wanted to see my emails........i didnt have my computer with me........i told him he could call the guy from my phone, but he wouldnt.......he said he would keep them there and get it sorted out...........i told him ok, but i want to get some pics of ur smileling face with the heads, his attitude got better...........he made up the bill, i payed it, then he came out and searched the car, tossing stuff around till he was satisfied........we put our belongings back in , then we were on our way........ego trip or what...........i was very polite and calm the whole time......he made me feel like a criminal.............i have never been treated so bad in my