Car Cover Suggestions

What type are you wanting? Blanket type or portable shelter building. I went for the building. 12x24 mid quality ( number of layers and weight) for 499 bucks . Lots of room to move around the Dart. Keeps out sun, rain and snow. If you only want to keep dust off in garage or inside parking then get blanket. They also come several ply for outdoor weather use. I prefer the building if sitting outdoors. Building cover should held together with ratchets not snap traps for any chance of longevity. Tight like a drum not flapping.
The car sits under a car port, so I am just looking for something to keep the dust off. I looked at California Car Covers but they are a little more expensive than I was wanting to spend. Any other suggestions?
I am looking into getting a car cover. Do you guys have any suggestions?
I'm eager to hear suggestions too. I've bought many different ones over the years and haven't found one yet that will last more than 2 years. Car sits outside in the weather year round but hey, it's San Diego! Temps are always between 40 and 100 where it's parked. The sun is probably the culprit but, still, they should still last longer than that.
I have a cheapo....90.00 one and a Kalifornia cover that came with my car....I don't know how much the CA cover is but it's WAAAAY better and does a great job on holding off dust and moisture.

My cheapo...while it's OK does let the dust through and seems more like a dust trap then a cover....although it is thick enough to stop some scratching.

My .02.

It's a little pricey but it will keep the dust off.:-D

I just ordered one from cover craft... I got it through Jegs (they seemed to have the best price). I don't have it yet, but friends I know sware by them... they seem to use some of the same material as cal. cover...