Case cleaning



Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2008
Reaction score
Elkton, TN
Hey guys:

The 904 is totally apart, and it's time to clean it up. My first idea is to take the case to a machine shop that does not overhaul transmissions and have it hot tanked. I've already scraped the outside free of that durable mixture of oil and dirt that was caked on.

Alternatively, I could go to town with brake cleaner and compressed air. The inside is nearly spotless. You may ask why I said a machine shop that doesn't rebuild transmissions. That's because I'm a suspicious dude and I'm not going to risk some unethical goon damaging my transmission case.

I'm not even that happy about taking it somewhere. What if they drop my original numbers-matching case?

Anyway..what do you think?
I'd do it my self with carb cleaner and compressed air like you said.
Actually a do it yourself car wash would be fine as long as it is blown out dry before it went together.
Simple green, a couple of brushes and the wife gone for an hour or so.

car wash late at night a couple dollars of quarters...and brake cleaner too
You guys powdercoat in your ovens too? Simple Green is supposed to be very good for this as well as AL carbs.
Take it to any local trans shop and ask them to wash it for you, most shops will do this for little to no charge, all it takes is about 20 min. Might even get a new supplier for your parts local. I do this in my shop in Iowa all the time for people. ; Lon