CCW Permit



Nov 15, 2005
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I finally was able to make an appointment to get my CCW permit and gather all the required info. Lot of work but it'll be worth it.

Every time I tried to make an appoinment the day they had availible was either during my on call week or 4 weeks out. After many phone calls I was finally able to get a date that worked for me, so I'll be dropping into the sheriff's office tomorrow morning. Apparently they've been super busy.
I see that Colorado has a pretty fair coverage of other states. In Idaho, I had to get a Utah permit, mostly because Washington state does not seem to care if we Idahoans do business there or not. Bein's the beauowutch of a (possibly female) Democrate Gov is now in power, I doubt that any letter writing will be very effective.

I also see, that like Idaho, Colorado is not recognized by WA. Of course there's just no hope for NV, CA, or OR

Your next job, after getting your permit, is to look up the states that do NOT offer reciprocity and write some of the legislators

"Dear Honorable Senator/ etc:

I would like to vacation to your beautiful state of Oregon, New Mexico, etc, etc, but I notice that you do not allow us folks from Colorado to protect ourselves. Until you update your concealed carry laws, my motorhome will not be showing it's plate in your state"
Iowa just changed their CCW laws and now anyone with $180 for the class and paper work can get one . I think my granny and my dog are scheduled for the classes
I see that Colorado has a pretty fair coverage of other states. In Idaho, I had to get a Utah permit, mostly because Washington state does not seem to care if we Idahoans do business there or not. Bein's the beauowutch of a (possibly female) Democrate Gov is now in power, I doubt that any letter writing will be very effective.

I also see, that like Idaho, Colorado is not recognized by WA. Of course there's just no hope for NV, CA, or OR

Your next job, after getting your permit, is to look up the states that do NOT offer reciprocity and write some of the legislators

"Dear Honorable Senator/ etc:

I would like to vacation to your beautiful state of Oregon, New Mexico, etc, etc, but I notice that you do not allow us folks from Colorado to protect ourselves. Until you update your concealed carry laws, my motorhome will not be showing it's plate in your state"

Great advice and thanks for the letter template. Forget IL too. Their firearms laws are draconian.

Iowa just changed their CCW laws and now anyone with $180 for the class and paper work can get one . I think my granny and my dog are scheduled for the classes

I have to assume that your granny and dog are not convicted felons. :D

The live fire testing and classes I had to take here was not necessarily a piece of cake. Just food for thought.
No permit necessary in Wyoming to carry open or concealed. Of course there is the issue of going out of state with your weapon....
Hmmm, what is the need for paperwork?

I have lived in CA all of my 55 years.

Growing up, my father and all of his brother WWII vets in the neighborhood had at least one handgun and one rifle. Many of them had a handgun in their cars.

Same went for the Korean war vets on our street.

My two brothers who are Viet Nam vets have multiple handguns and rifles. I also know of other Viet Nam era vets who have handguns without the CA "permit". They also seem to have a handgun in their possession whenever they travel.

My nephew is active USMC and a combat vet from two tours of Iraq in the early years and he has a sidearm. I don't know if he carries it on the college campus that he is attending right now.

If the pattern is continuing, then I imagine that there are numerous Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan vets in CA that have and carry handguns without the "permit".

One of my Viet Nam vet brothers moved to Arizona so that he didn't have to hide his firearm all of the time. And he is a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff who served 25 years after his hitch with the Marines ended!!

So, yes, we don't have CCW permits in CA...........apparently there are many who exercise their second ammendment rights without the blessings of the CA Democrats.
No permit necessary in Wyoming to carry open or concealed. Of course there is the issue of going out of state with your weapon....

In Colorado, if you are a resident and legally allowed to have a firearm, you can conceal in your private vehicle without a permit but not on any federal or school property.

cool cool I go to my CPL class this saturday so excited

Enjoy and become familiar with your carry piece and practice, practice practice. 8)

Hmmm, what is the need for paperwork?

I have lived in CA all of my 55 years.

Growing up, my father and all of his brother WWII vets in the neighborhood had at least one handgun and one rifle. Many of them had a handgun in their cars.

Same went for the Korean war vets on our street.

My two brothers who are Viet Nam vets have multiple handguns and rifles. I also know of other Viet Nam era vets who have handguns without the CA "permit". They also seem to have a handgun in their possession whenever they travel.

My nephew is active USMC and a combat vet from two tours of Iraq in the early years and he has a sidearm. I don't know if he carries it on the college campus that he is attending right now.

If the pattern is continuing, then I imagine that there are numerous Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan vets in CA that have and carry handguns without the "permit".

One of my Viet Nam vet brothers moved to Arizona so that he didn't have to hide his firearm all of the time. And he is a retired Los Angeles County Sheriff who served 25 years after his hitch with the Marines ended!!

So, yes, we don't have CCW permits in CA...........apparently there are many who exercise their second ammendment rights without the blessings of the CA Democrats.

Agreed, I'm not happy about the process and fees but at least I'll have the backing of the legal system if I ever have to use it to defend my life.

One of my ex-finacees was from AZ and her father and I used to open carry wherever we went. People seem so much more polite when everyone is armed.
Here in Washingotn we just droveto the sheriffs office, abit over 2 hours one way, got finger printed, waited a few weeks and it showed up in the classes or qualifying necessary....
Here in Washingotn we just droveto the sheriffs office, abit over 2 hours one way, got finger printed, waited a few weeks and it showed up in the classes or qualifying necessary....

Same way in Georgia. Our regular permit IS the CCW also. Pay yer 55 bucks and wait a few weeks.
AZ did away with the CCW, I think.......just got to be a legal citizen. Anybody know the truth about the Utah CCW? Good in alot of states, from what I have been seeing. Cabelas, across the border in Idaho, holds classes for it. Sooner or later I will sign up for it.....
I'm so jealous , you guys actually have rights. In the peoples republic of illinois, noone has rights. Unless your a criminal, they have all the rights and protections that I work to pay for. Ain't that something.
Here in Washingotn we just droveto the sheriffs office, abit over 2 hours one way, got finger printed, waited a few weeks and it showed up in the classes or qualifying necessary....

Very nice! I'll be honest though, I enjoyed the classes, shooting and learning the letter of the law.

Same way in Georgia. Our regular permit IS the CCW also. Pay yer 55 bucks and wait a few weeks.

Very nice as well!


Thanks Frankie!
I'm so jealous , you guys actually have rights. In the peoples republic of illinois, noone has rights. Unless your a criminal, they have all the rights and protections that I work to pay for. Ain't that something.

Part of the reason why I moved from IL 18 years ago. I couldn't take it another minute.
Here in Washingotn we just droveto the sheriffs office, abit over 2 hours one way, got finger printed, waited a few weeks and it showed up in the classes or qualifying necessary....

Which is why in hell I don't understand why they won't recognize Idaho permiits, although ID will accept WA permits. Lots of border crossing over here in Coeur d Alene to Spokane, as I'm sure you are aware.
in Michigan we have open cary and then it costs 100 bucks for the class and after that your covered under both sides
I have very few instances where I envy someone else. Here in NJ there is no CCW except for a very very few exceptions and they take a court to approve. We talk about it write letters, attend meetings but we get nowhere. One legislator introduced a bill last year and the proposed fee was $500/year. Fat chance that it will get anywhere. Just carrying a gun to a range has stringent requirements. Each handgun purchased requires a permit that takes anywhere from a month to three months to get approved. To make that even worse, each permit is issued by your local law enforcement and each one creates or changes the rules to suit theirselves. To sum it up it really sucks to be a gun owner in NJ and I do envy those who can carry.:banghead:
I'm in Illinois. :(

I have my Utah permit, so when I go to most states that are not Illinois, I carry my Glock 23. Maybe one of these days I'll be able to leave this state for good.
I moved my family out of "crook county" to will county in hopes of some level of freedom. I have the right to own , that's it. I wish I. Could find gainful employment outside of this godforsaken hole. But congratulations to all of you who have rights and freedoms.
Most of the places in Vegas that have the CCW classes also include the Utah and Florida certifications. Sort of a three for one deal, then you're covered almost everywhere.
Yep Got all 3 in Nv. For those of you that live in states that don't allow carry of any kind. Don't get caught carring. If you do and the state finally allows carry,you will be **** out of luck of ever getting a permit it that state and possable in other states as well.
When we go on a cruse here in Nv. You can bet my HK is between me and my girfriend. No Car jackings allowed.
No one can complain as much as us Canucks on gun laws. So just because you don't have CCW you shouldn't complain too loud.

Any handgun with a barrel under 106mm is prohibited. How long is that? Well all normal WWII Lugers are 104-105mm for barrel length.

All fully automatic firearms are prohibited as well.

Handguns can only have magazines that hold 10 rounds.

Semi auto rifles can only have magazines that hold 5 rounds.

We aren't allowed to own Silencers.

We can't hunt with handguns.

All handguns that aren't prohibited are restricted. Meaning they can only go from your home, to a government approved shooting range, and straight back. I also have to get a piece of paper from the Goverment asking their permission to take my handgun to the range (generally this means telling them when Im leaving home, date and time, the exact range Im going to and when I'll be home). When going to the range the handgun must have a trigger lock AND be inside a locking container "that can't easily be broken into".

Too many "tactical" semi auto firearms like AR-15's (and any variant) are restricted by name.

So yeah the Government doesn't trust me enough to pack a handgun anywhere so instead I take a 12 gauge pump action shotgun in the trunk of my car.