chat room

Does not work for me. I get an error message that says, "You must have Java". I DO have Java and I update it. So I don't bother.
you can download java for your browser....Internet explorer and firefox...

google chrome does not use it wont work in chat
ive been on fabo for 6 years and chat used to be pretty busy,thens seems like it just died one day,i haven,t been on here much over the last year or so.
I get the same error message and I have the latest java so I just say screw it.
Chat died when the "version" of it changed. Something about it just doesn't work as well. Too bad because it was useful for members getting answers to problems as they were working on them.

I liked it as a way to socialize with members, there was always some fun banter going on, and some members were really cool and I miss them.
I hope the 'updated' forum software will bundle a better chat application. :protest:
I just tried it and no one was there ......again

Who you call'n "no one" ?:confused: I was there when you popped and left in a second..... LOL.
I had a nice time chat'n with 65Val last night. Usually nobody there, but last night the two of us had a nice small block mopar chat :)